thinking of love with aut 👍

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What do you think what is love?

Is love heart broken!?

Or love is happiness?

I love make your future or not?

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I love make your future or not?.

Does love make connect all things!

According to me.

You make me feel like I can do anything and I am so happy to be with you. Thank you for being the wonderful, amazing person that you are. You surprise me every day and you warm my heart every night. I am the person I am today because you've loved me and helped me, love.

 I am the person I am today because you've loved me and helped me, love

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Love is a quality that defines human beings. Love is a quality of the human heart. It is a feeling that the human species can express. It is love that brings and keeps people together in harmony and happiness.

An according to this story

Every person in this world will have a soft corner in their heart. Ever to they do not show it to others but their neon and their works always know about the soft corner.

Namjoon a mafia leader felt a change in his life when he met "HIS INDIAN GIRL" and he keep it in his heart his love story ."HIS INDIAN NOTEBOOK"...<3

I will be waiting for u y/n

Plz army or my viewers please support me till the end of the story...

And till now you supported me so much I am really feeling so blessings and caring and loving from you all you are giving me so much efforts and showing me so much love thank you so much please support me like this till the end of the story if you want to message me you can message me personal or comment me. And if you get any mistakes or anything that you are not feeling good please to comment and tell me because it's my first story or you can say first ever think to write..


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