chapter 17 : When the future...

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The end of the year is almost here, Elise comes to visit Jessy for Thanksgiving which they both spend with us. It's the same for Christmas and New Year's Day, except that Jason, Jessy's younger brother, also joins us. These festivities are an opportunity to get together, all tensions eased. In addition, we have the joy of seeing Chad return permanently just before the holidays. He has almost fully recovered from his accident. He still limps slightly and, at times, he struggles for words a little, but it comes back to him quickly. Nina was very happy to see him return but soon after, she seemed to lose interest in him. I don't understand his reaction but decide not to get involved.

Since my agreement with my parents, I spend on average weekends and one night during the week at Jessy's house. The rest of the time, I sleep at home. He comes to see me whenever he wants but never stays the night, my parents don't talk to me about it and neither do we, it would be too embarrassing. We prefer the privacy of his apartment. On the other hand, during the day, he often comes to visit me at home, like this winter day. We are at the start of the year and the more time passes, the more excited all young people our age are about choosing their future university. Of course, Jessy and I are not immune to this state. We spend our free time talking about our choices and filling out application forms. For my part, having always had good grades throughout my schooling, I can hope to obtain a

scholarship for most of the universities that I like : Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Columbia. The latter is my preference, plus it is located in New York, a city that I love and it would allow me to be close to Nicolas who plans to settle there once he finishes his studies. For his part, Jessy, who often missed classes, has lower grades than me but his artistic talent nevertheless opens many doors for her.

— My head is going to explode !

He drops his books on the table where I write a new cover letter. We are alone in my dining room.

I raise a questioning eyebrow :

— I was called into the guidance counselor's office. She spoke to me at length and then had me fill out three applications from universities that she thought would want me.

— But it's great !

— Don't rejoice too quickly, he collapses into a chair in front of me, looking disappointed. They are great art schools but they are in Europe !

— What ?

My pen slips from my hand and rolls across the table.

Jessy nods.

— And what do you think about it ?

— I don't really know... I mean, studying drawing in London, Paris or Milan tempts me but... We agreed to go to the same universities or failing that, neighboring colleges so there... 

He stares at me before asking :

— If I were caught, what would you do ?

I remain stunned for a moment. I had never considered this possibility. Going to Europe would mean leaving my family, my friends, discovering a new language, living with new benchmarks.

— I wouldn't mind studying abroad, I said.

— Really ? Jessy is surprised. But you dream of going to Columbia !

— Yes really. If you get a place, this will be an opportunity not to be missed. You won't be offered this opportunity every day, so if it works for you, I will follow you, I will study there. New York can wait for me. There is no question of us separating. After all, I can get scholarships to study in Europe.

Jessy's face breaks into a big smile.

— OK, let's do it like this. And then it's the first of us who will have an interesting positive response that will take the other one away.

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