I wake up and I'm still 90% dead

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I cough up black ooze and open my eyes in a startle. I'm still in Gover's Arms. He looks at me in a startle. Ow. I think I'm still broken. I think my ankle is still broken. I look around. Annabeth smiles at me.

"You're alive!" Grover yelled hugging me. 

"Ow. Hi." I say.

I slowly wince as I sit up. Annabeth punches my shoulder. I look at her in surprise. 

"Don't ever do that to me again, Seaweed brain." She hisses.

"Hey, you know me." I say.

She's crying. Grover's crying. I'm bawling my eyes out. Annabeth grabs me and holds me tightly. Grover grabs me harder. This hug feels warm and tight but painful because my ankle is still broken. 

"Guys? I think I need to go to the hospital." I say.

They help me up.

"Not to worry Percy, there is a reserved room for you." Asclepius says.

"Thank you, for everything. But..." I start.

"Don't worry, your cancer is cured when you defeated Takhisis, her heart within her died." He says.

"But what of the rest of the dragons?" Annabeth asks.

"Zeus has imprisoned them in Tartarus. He owes you greatly Percy Jackson. He wanted me to give you this." Asclepius gives me a note.

"I'll read it later." I say. 

"I am now closer to finding a cure for the rest of them, I thank you greatly." Asclepius lowers his head.

He shoots off into the sky. 

"So... how do we get out of here?" I ask. 

"Rainbow Jetapck?" Grover holds one up.

I let out a laugh.

"Hey, I love you Seaweed brain." Annabeth smiles at me.

"Me too." I say.

The End. 

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