Chapter 21:

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We made sure there was lots of stuff for Whiskey too, the motorhome was huge, we hurried inside and started driving I didn't care where,we just wanted to drive away, we decided to go to Doncaster, it was far enough where knows us and Jed would be safe from police. We drove in silence,Isla fell asleep in the car seat, Jed was driving and I was just panicking.

I felt like my world was crumbling, I was scared, it was dark about 5:30pm we were exhausted with the new baby and also starving. We saw on the satnav there was a mcdonalds, we were nearly there motor way out of our city, we were hoping to go to maybe Manchester,Doncaster and maybe Glasgow,we couldn't stay too much in one place, we had to be careful, we had a small tv in the back.

I kept refreshing the news getting scared, we decided to go to Weston-super-Mare and maybe Bristol, there was a beach and a pier in Weston-super-Mare then loads of shops in Bristol, there should be loads of people, if we used hats and hoodies he could be okay, girl its only been 1 day since the police was trying to find him I said in my brain calming myself down.

We wanted to explore more of the UK Manchester,Doncaster,London and maybe more places too like quiet places like the cotswolds.

We went through the mcdonalds drive through, I got chicken nuggets and Jed got a big mac,milkshakes and cokes for us too. We parked up in the carpark eating and of course feeding Isla.

I was excited to show Isla so much but also so scared to lose Jed, I ruffled his hair, "You know what ever happens I love you I will always love you" I admitted looking at me as tears fell down on my cheeks. I couldn't help it.

It would take 2 hours to get to Weston-super-Mare maybe we could stay near the beach, there was a hotel and maybe if we go there very late no one will see us and we would leave when Isla wakes up which is normally at 6:00am it will be good.

We hit the road once we finished our food and changed Isla, we got to the motor way and headed for Weston-super-Mare, I stared out the window I felt sick, I felt like I was the one who shot them. I felt so guilty,I should have helped him before it got this bad.

We finally got there in Weston-super-Mare, there was hardly any people around of course it was 7:00pm we had been driving for 2 hours. We put the hotel the Sandringham, it was right by the beach. I opened the window and the smell of the sea hit me like waves in my nostrils. We brought noodles,snacks and microwave meals since we had a kettle and a microwave so we were good and we had a mini fridge too.

We fed Whiskey and let her go outside for the toilet and just stretch her legs she played fetch. Then she just curled up on the bed with Isla watching TV.


I was shocked I mean I sort of knew I could lie my whole life, I couldn't even talk properly, I just wanted to drive and concentrate on the road trying not to go insane.

Once we got there we checked to see if there was anyone there luckily there was no one there, we set up camp and parked near the back of the carpark near trees. We got out and opened the living area sat on the sofa and put the big bed up,well bed and sofa it was huge then we put the travel cot up. Avery sat on the bed with Isla watching TV whilst I made some instant noodles. I tried to be positive its like Isla could sense the bad vibes, I wanted to be positive and happy at least when Isla was awake.

I finished making the noodles, I walked to Avery and gave her noodles, we ate the food and we watched something on the tv until about 9:30pm we were so tired Isla barely slept still. Isla woke up and Avery fed her and got her back to sleep.

Then we got ready for bed, "Baby I know you love my red hair but should I dye it?" I mumbled, "I think it will be better, maybe black or like a cool colour like blue or pink" she smiled, "I think I like black its easier and more natural" I replied looking at her.

It was settled then I would have black hair. Luckily there was a ASDA about 20 minutes away from the hotel which was perfect, we could buy more clothes,nappies and teething gel too, Isla didnt have a coat or one of those baby carrier so instead of a pram she will have to be carried around we didn't want to do it because she will get used to us too much but we had to until she was older and we can use a stroller.We got into bed and fell asleep.

We were sleeping beautifully until 6:30am when Isla woke up, Avery woke up, I Immediately and jumped up and picked Isla up making a bottle and dancing around, "Good morning stinky butt" I smiled in a singsong voice kissing her head.

We had a small stove where we could cook things like bacon and eggs, Avery got up and started making eggs and bacon whilst I fed Isla, "Morning gorgeous Mummy" I smiled kissing her cheek before I sat on the big sofa putting Cebeebies on the small tv opening the window half an inch to clear the air. I changed Isla and gave her bottle,stroking her head.

Once she was settled we started eating our breakfast, "So I'll stay with Isla and you go to Asda and get the dye and more baby stuff my love" I fake smiled I started Changing into a t-shirt which I didn't like that much and some black jeans just in case I got dye on them, the shower was small but it got the job done. There was no room to swing a cat.

Then it was time to drive to the Asda
for Avery to shop. We hopped into driving part of our motorhome. I put cocomelon on my phone.

I hurried inside of Asda I didn't want to stay too long, I needed to get back to Jed, I grabbed some black hair dye and some clothes for me,Jed and Isla.

I went to the baby aisle and grabbed more nappies,wipes,dummies,a new hair brush,nail clippers,lotion and soap for her.

She was growing like mad she was now in 6 months, she's always been a little chunky. I hurried to the checkout thats when I got a call from Alex. I panicked I didn't want to answer, I shoved everything into my bag,paid and ran out there.

Once outside I called him back, "Hey sorry I was shopping" I said, "The police have been trying to find Jed they found his home hes gone they are calling the news to show everyone to look out for him" he shouted so quickly I couldn't barely hear him he was talking so fast, "No way,do you think he could go far" I replied trying to calm my brain down.

We kept talking for about 5 minutes then we hung up, I sprinted to the motorhome and opened the door, "We need to dye your hair now!!" I shouted, not too loud where  someone could hear me" I ripped the dye box open and he sat on the floor, he took his T-shirt off and we dyed his hair l used gloves and we used a towel, of course I will have to throw it away in a random bin.

Once it was done I felt a little better, "Whats this all about?" Jed asked fear etched into his face, "You will be in the news soon everyone will be looking for you,we had to dye your hair" I cried holding him.

We calmed down and got back into the motorhome seat, we wanted to be happy and not let fear ruin our lives. We put my music on and started singing whilst driving, we didn't even know we were just looking around, we got out of the motorhome in a city centre, "What if someone finds me" Jed said looking at the door, "Well your not on the news yet baby" I smiled.

We had loads of fun and brought some cool stuff and more toys, we got some nike trainers, he got a bucket hat and 2 hoodies and we went to poundland to get some snacks finished by KFC, Isla was strapped onto me.

It was a very nice day, we decided to go Croydon in London and just let go. Spend time with Isla as a family and see loads of cool stuff and places, I wanted to have memories for Isla in case Jed goes into Prison.

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