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Aponi is a female 19 year old Comanche hunter. Aponi is nicknamed "special one" by her tribe as despite being female she was born with a cock. Aponi is engaged to her tribe's chieftain's daughter and is set to marry her on her 20th birthday, Aponi's tribe's chieftain approves of Aponi being engaged to his daughter telling Aponi that he asks only for two things and those two things are that she treat his daughter well and agree to be loyal and faithful to her till their deaths. Aponi was born in 1709. Aponi's girlfriend's name is Luna as she was born on a full moon. Aponi's brother was killed by a Yautja when she was 4 years old. Aponi's girlfriend Luna is the dominant one in their relationship and enjoys smacking Aponi on the ass to get a reaction out of her. Aponi has known Luna since she was a child. Aponi's tribe has a variety of hammock friendly sex positions. This is Aponi.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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