Season 10 Episode 8: Hibbing 911 Part 1

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*And We're back! doesn't feel like I got much done but I do have 5 completed chapters waiting in the wings. Thanks for waiting this out with me*

 Robin was struggling with a level of insecurity, and she didn't like it. She could hear the ghosts of a younger version of herself whispering, I told you so. I told you Dean Winchester would hurt you. She forced it down and part of her felt guilt, in truth. Dean was plagued by the mark, changing him, but changing him into someone who seemed to consider Robin an afterthought, if he considered her at all.

Robin had come to realize she had an out. When she felt as though the bunker wasn't home, Jody's was. She left in the night while the boys were asleep. She left them a vague note. When Sam had reached out to her telepathically, she let him know she was ok, but offered him plausible deniability. He took it graciously. While she wasn't about to walk through the streets of Sioux Falls she was happy to be at Jody's.

Jody was happy to have her, even more so where she had a conference in Minnesota that weekend. Alex was truly doing better, and Jody did trust her, but was far more at ease to leave her, knowing Robin was there.

The two were about halfway through Alex's introduction to Princess Bride when Robin's phone rang.

"That her?" Alex asked, expecting Jody to be checking up on them again.

Truth was the number jarred Robin slightly. It was Dean's but he hadn't reached out to her since she left. "No" she replied quietly getting to her feet and leaving the room. "Yeah" she answered the phone?

"How's the babysitting going?" Dean asked her.

"How do you know I'm babysitting?" she asked back.

"Jody just called" Sam piped up. "She's just bouncing some ideas off us. Couple of animal kills in her area."

"Like animal animal or we're going in animal" Robin asked?

"She told us she's got it" Dean replied.

Robin bit at her lip as she mulled it over. "I love Jody, I do" she replied. "But she is the greenest one of us. Not a god damn chance I'm letting her on this case alone."

"That's what I figured" Dean replied. "We were gonna head up, arrive some time tomorrow."

"I'll be there in an hour" Robin replied. "Wanna grab my garment bag for me?"

"You got it" Dean's tone concluded the conversation. It was cordial, but there was no familiarity in their exchange, like colleagues in their cubicles.

"Hey Robin" Sam spoke up, sounding as though he was delaying the disconnect. "Are- are you okay?"

"Fantastic" she replied sarcastically.

"What?" Dean sounded confused by Sam's question. "Why wouldn't she be okay?."

"I'll see you two tomorrow" Robin cut the call short, having no interest in having the conversation Sam was trying to force, especially not over the phone.

Alex's eyes were peering over the back of the couch when Robin returned to the living room. "Jody okay?"

"Yeah" Robin shook her head, brushing off the concern in the girl's voice. "Just might have a case. Best she doesn't hunt alone."

"You're headed out after her" Alex asked?

"Yeah" Robin nodded.

"Sounds good" Alex smiled.

"Listen, she trusts you okay" Robin explained in an attempt at Jody's mom voice.

"I know" Alex rolled her eyes at Robin.

"Now show me where Jody keeps the guns" Robin instructed.

Robin was quick to pack and soon teleported herself to the passenger side of Jody's Jeep.

"Anything I can help with there?"

"Not unless you got any gems on how to handle a teenage girl" Jody sighed. "'cause mine is..."

"Kind of a dick" the woman asked jovially?

Robin ducked, her presence hadn't been noticed yet, but her sudden appearance may have raised some questions.

"She's got a whole lot more in there, too. Really good stuff, just like her sister" The pride radiated in her words.

"You have two" the woman asked?

Why did Robin know that voice?

"The oldest came around" Jody replied. "She was the same though. Chip on her shoulder, her against the world. I mean I was 17 once. Yeah, hair up to here, attitude up to here. Why can't I get through to her?"

"You let anybody through to you at that age" the woman said gently?

"Joey Demoupied. Drove a motorcycle" Jody replied as Robin stifled a laugh. "Smelled like...Mm. Yeah."

"She'll come around. Your oldest did right?" the woman prodded hopefully. "And so did you."

"Goodnight Donna" Jody said sweetly before turning and walking towards where Robin was hiding. She screamed as Robin startled her.

"You okay there Jody-o" Donna called?

"Fine" Jody called back. "Just thought I saw a mouse."

"You get some sleep there then, eh" Donna replied.

"Yeah" Jody called back before she bent down and grabbed Robin's arm. "What are you doing here" Jody hissed? The question was clearly rhetorical as she didn't wait for a reply. Instead she carefully dragged Robin back to her motel room, slammed the door and spun around to face Robin with one of her mom glares. "What are you doing here?! Where is Alex?"

"She's home. She's fine" Robin shrugged.

"And why are you here" Jody snapped?!

"I realize you're the mom figure here Jodes" Robin's tone started calmly, but her tone grew more defensive as she continued. "But in this world I'm the seasoned professional. I've lost enough people; I'll be damned if I'm about to leave you high and dry."

"Dean called you" Jody sighed.

"They're on their way" Robin nodded.

"I told them I had this" she sat on the bed and shook her head.

"Sorry" Robin sat in the chair at the desk with a huff. "We care."

Jody examined her for a second and sighed. "Come here" she opened her arms and waved Robin over. Robin sat down on the bed beside her, and Jody wrapped her arms around her before kissing her temple. "I've missed you anyway" she playfully growled. "Been spending all your time with the boyfriend."

"Yeah" Robin huffed.

"You okay sweetheart?" Jody asked brushing her hair aside and tucking it behind her ear.

"Fine" Robin lied.

Jody's expression quickly called her bluff. "You suddenly arrive at my place, for an indefinite stay" she challenged. "Almost like you might be having some issues with a certain Winchester? Stands about 6'2 with dreamy green eyes?"

"Yeah well" Robin sighed. "Not quite sure I know where I stand there anymore" she admitted getting to her feet. "I keep telling myself it's the mark but" Robin bit her lip and shook her head. "But even if it is, how much of it is just him not giving a shit anymore and doing what he wants." Jody didn't say a word, just examined her. "I was this unobtainable thing he wanted for years. Now he's had me and he's over it."

"Then he is the biggest idiot I've ever met" Jody snapped, startling Robin. "Truth is, Dean Winchester, he doesn't have a lot of options. Not for anything real anyway. Any woman who tried to be with him would run screaming or end up dead with his life. But not you. You're tough. You don't scare easy and you're hard to kill. You are also the only person who knows Dean better than he knows himself."

"Well Sam" Robin shrugged.

"Somehow I don't see he and Sam sharing pillow talk" Jody dismissed. "Dean? He can't replace you. But he best remember there are at least two good men who would take his place in a heartbeat. Probably more."

Robin popped her eyebrows, not completely convinced. "I guess."

"I'm sorry, you guess" she snapped? "Who are you and what have you done with Robin Singer? You don't need that man to be happy, that man needs you. And don't get me wrong, I love Dean. But if he hurt you, I will smack him upside the head."

"Okay Bobby" Robin scoffed.

"Robin" Jody said gently. "If he can't see how wonderful you are, he doesn't deserve you. Remember that."

Robin furrowed her brow taking in what Jody said and nodding affirmatively. "Alright new topic, tell me about this case."

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