Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Bella's POV –

I woke up at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night covered in a thick layer of perspiration. I never realised how hot Edward's temperature had gotten after phasing. Of course, we both run at a higher temperature than the average human, but his now exceeded mine by several degrees and as we lay together it was clear to see why I was sweating. I looked across the sheets and into his vision. He already had his shirt off from the heat. Now, I could really look at his body. It was beautiful; his broad shoulders ran smoothly into his defined abs, bringing out toned biceps. As the sun rose outside promptly, and Edward and I had both mangled our way on top the duvet. I stared at my beautiful love. He looked so vulnerable sleeping. A soft cry left his throat and a tear soundlessly slipped from his eye. I hated to see him in pain

I slid out from beneath his heavy arm, leaving to change into something a little cooler. I pulled on a pair of shorts, and a pretty vest top. Then I got back into bed curling up beside Edward.


When I woke again Edward was still sleeping in the exact position I'd seen him in last night - talk about being a deep sleeper! Suddenly the aroma of fresh eggs, fried bacon, and crisp-slightly buttered-toast filled my senses. My grandmother must be cooking breakfast. I headed downstairs and I smiled at the sight of my family. It was nice to see we were really a normal family below everything. Esme was cooking, Carlisle was reading a book and Alice was watching tele. I headed over to Esme.

"Did you have a good sleep, darling?" Esme questioned compassionately.

"Yes," I replied blushing. "Where is Mom?"

"Your Mom, Dad, and Jasper left last night to go hunt," she answered.

"Oh," I said.

"Go and wake Edward. I made the both of you some breakfast," Esme explained.

I complied, going back up to my room to wake Edward. I was rendered unnecessary as Edward was sitting, still shirtless, on the side of my bed.

"Esme has made us breakfast," I stated, sitting on his knee.

"Yeah, it smells good," he complimented.

"It does. It's bacon, eggs and toast," I replied.

"Mm, bet you'll taste better though," he snickered, placing a small peck on my cheek. "When did you change?" He added, fixing my strap.

"Around 3 a.m. It got pretty hot."

"Yeah, I had to take my shirt off," he stated.

"I'm not complaining," I pointed out.

"Oh really?" Edward challenged, grabbing my wrists.

"Yeah," I laughed, trying to escape Edward's tickling hands.

"No, Edward! Stop," I managed to get out through giggles.

He turned me around, tickling me harder until I cried with laughter. He smiled, and wiped away my tears with a kiss. I pulled his face down to mine and quickly he met my lips. He skimmed my bottom lip with his teeth, making me go crazy and a soft moan escaped my lips


"Bella, Edward! Breakfast is ready!" Esme shouted, interrupting our heated make out session.

Ever since Edward had imprinted on me we couldn't seem to keep our hands off each other. And I wanted him in more ways than simply one. But, that won't happen for a while. I hadn't really brought the topic up yet, but I Edward wasn't keen on trying. It discouraged me a bit, even though I knew there were many reasons behind his decision.

"We better go," I said, pulling Edward off the bed and down stairs with me.

Breakfast was good. We thanked Esme for the meal and told her we would do the washing up. So, Edward scraped the leftovers into the bin. I started washing. Not that there was an awful lot because Edward eats like a pig. Edward finished drying the last few pieces of cutlery, and then put them away. I let out the water, and Edward hugged me from behind resting his head against mine and smelling my hair. He traced delicate patterns on my shoulder. Just then he froze obviously bothered by something and groaned, his face tightened. I heard the front door slam.

"Get your hands off her!" My mother roared.

It happened too quick for registration. Edward fell at my side in pain and my mother zoomed over pulling Edward from me. I heard something in his arm pop and my dad appeared pushing him so hard he ended at the other side of the room taking Esme's antique end table and china vase with him. The table broke causing the splinters to be implanted in his back and the china vase shattered lacerating his skin.

"Mom," I yelled. "Why the hell did you do that?"

"Do not use that language when you are speaking to me Bella," she shouted back.

I heard Edward whimper. I rushed over to his side. His beautiful face was covered in blood. His shoulder deformed from the pop I heard earlier. Even though I could see the lacerations already beginning to heal I was horrified at what just happened. Carlisle soon appeared with a stern expression and took Edward to his office.

"Why did you do that to him?" I questioned them both. "He did nothing wrong."

"Bella you have only gotten back together and he has already pressured you into having sex!" Mom snapped.

"We have not had sex! Why would you think that?" I screamed back.

"He has no shirt on and he wasn't exactly hiding what he was thinking about," my dad shouted.

"It doesn't mean we had sex!" I yelled.

"What does it mean then, Bella?" Rose pressed, fuming.

"We slept together," I said bluntly. Their eye's popped out of their heads, and I realized I could have worded that better. "I mean that we went to sleep in the same bed, fully clothed until it became too hot because of our temperatures, and I changed."

"Oh," Emmett mumbled.

"You allowed them to sleep in the same bed?" Mom bellowed at Esme and Alice.

"Don't take it out on Nanna or Alice! He's had a hard few days and we were only sleeping for goodness sake!" I declared, tears starting to well up in my eyes.

"I get that but still, it's too soon," she fretted.

"Mom, if you don't trust me then that's your problem. I'm an adult Rosalie and you can't protect me forever. Don't talk to me again!" I exclaimed in finality, before storming off as the tears began to spill. I met Edward who was just on his way out. He looked as if nothing had ever happened. Well, except for the dried blood on his sweats.

"Don't cause trouble between yourself and your mom over me," he said.

"I hate her," I blankly responded.

"Don't say that, please?" He grimaced.

I remained silent before Edward spoke again.

"Come by later. I have to go sort my pack out."

"Your pack? Since when was it your pack?" I asked.

"Since last night. I stood up, and took Alpha. Sam didn't back down. There are two packs now," Edward explained, sighing.

"Cool. I guess I will see you later then," I said.

"Yeah," he replied before leaving left a small peck on my cheek and departing the lane of the dwindling house.

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