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By Simple Plan

Hey dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according to plan?
And do you think I'm wasting my time doing things I wanna do?
But it hurts when you disapprove all along
And now I try hard to make it
I just wanna make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
Can't pretend that
I'm alright
And you can't change me

Charlie was on a natural high after getting to play on stage with Avenged Sevenfold to an empty stadium. Her dad and Brian were not only impressed by Kate's skill but also by such a big voice coming out of a small person. It was good to be on the giving end of a surprise for a change, Charlie thought.

She and Kate were strolling around backstage as the meet and greet took place in an small conference room inside the stadium.

"Do you think your mom is going to come looking for us?" Kate asked "She might wonder where we went off to."

"She'll probably think we're in the meet and greet with the band," Charlie offered as they walked. "Besides that guy...Berry...he'll keep her occupied."

Kate eyed her friend "You think he likes your mom?

"I didn't say that," Charlie replied "I just said he'd keep her occupied. It's been forever since my mom has had a boyfriend or any male attention so if he just talks to her, trust me, she's hanging on every word. And he has been keeping her company so..."

"Your mom is going to kill you if she hears you say that stuff," Kate laughed.

"She'll never know because you'll never tell, right?"

"Right," Kate asked curiously."So what are we doing?"

"Just checking out the scene. Looking for kids our age."

"Hey!" a male voice called as they exited into the stadium area.

Charlie turned to find a group of handsome boys calling them over. The tall one had sandy blond hair with light brown eyes and great muscles gave them a wink.

"Let's go talk to them," Charlie said.

Kate looked at her unsure "I don't know Chuck. They look a lot older than us."

"Who cares? We're just talking," she said pulling her friend.

When they walked up to the group, the handsome boy smiled at Charlie "Hey. gorgeous did you girls just come from backstage?"

"Don't," Kate whispered hoarsely but Charlie nodded and replied "Yes, we did."

"Meet and Greet?" he asked sweetly.

"No, we're with the band," Charlie said confidently.

"Chuck, don't," Kate hissed.

"Really?" the guy said touching the ends of Charlie's braid.

Meanwhile one of the other guys looked to Kate "You with the band too?"

Kate didn't have much experience talking to boys but she knew these guys weren't talking to them for fun. "I'm with her."

"Oh really?" he said through a smile looking at his friends "You two like together, together?"

Kate gave a bored expression "Typical."

"I'm Jack" the tall handsome one introduced himself "And this is Tony."

Charlie gushed at the attention "I'm Charlie and this is my friend Kate."

"Nice to meet you Charlie," Jack said softly.

"And you too Kate," Tony flirted.

"Can you girls get us back stage?" Jack asked pointedly.

What She's Doing Now (Sequel to The Great Pretenders)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora