Chapter Fifteen: The Much Needed Break

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As me, lando and Carlos head to the mall to get something for the karaoke bars I spot this gorgeous bracelet in the window of one of the stores

Me (pointing): Guys, hold on a sec. Look at that bracelet in the window. It's stunning.

Lando (grinning): Well, if you like it, we can't just pass it up. Let's check it out.

We walk into the store, and I examine the bracelet in awe.

Store Clerk: It's a beautiful piece, isn't it? If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Juulia (smiling): Thank you. Do you mind if I try it on?

The store clerk nods, and I try on the bracelet, the silver and gemstones sparkling in the light.

Carlos (nodding): It looks great on you, Juulia.

Lando (teasingly): Treat yourself. You deserve it after today.

Juulia (grateful): You know what? I think I will.

With a smile on my face I tell the store clerk to check it out. 

The boys and I head to multiple stores trying to figure out what to wear for tonight's event 

Lando (pouting): Who knew shopping would be so hard and stupid.

Me (teasing): I can tell, you don't do this much, do you?

I give Lando a playful shove, and he responds with an annoyed yet playful expression.

Lando: Of course, I don't, dummy. I barely even shop for myself.

Juulia (laughing): No wonder you don't have any fashion sense.

Feeling mock hurt, Lando reacts with a playful hurt expression.

Lando: Ouch, that hurt.

We continue walking and finally reach a store where the guys find something to try on. 

Lando (holding up a shirt): This looks decent, right?

Me (nodding): Definitely. Let's see if they have it in your size.

Carlos (looking at a suit, jokingly): What about this? Too much?

Juulia (laughing with Lando): Definitely 

We all laugh as Carlos tries to find a shirt 

Carlos (pretending to struggle with a shirt): Why are these buttons so complicated?

The laughter continues as Carlos playfully pretends to be challenged by a seemingly simple task. The trio enjoys the light-hearted moment, momentarily forgetting the pressures and challenges of the day.

Me (smiling): Come on, Carlos, you've conquered tougher things on the track.

Lando (joining in): Maybe you need a ferrari pit stop to figure it out. Get it cause they are complicated and slow

He continues to laugh at his own joke and while I help Carlos find a much simpler shirt with matching pants to try on 

Me: Here, try this on Chili

I hands him a hawaiian button up shirt and khakis. Carlos then heads to the changeroom to try it on while Lando and I wait outside for him to finish

As Carlos disappears into the changing room, Lando and you exchange amused glances, still chuckling at the ongoing joke. The store is filled with a mix of lively chatter and the soft melodies playing overhead, creating a laid-back atmosphere.

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