Part 20

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Neteyam began to pack his bags, tears streaked his eyes. He was heart broken.

" Neteyam? What's the matter." Kiri whispered, still have not been told.

" Ao'nung—he went to the tree." Neteyam cried softly.

" Why?" She replied, holding Me'lati in her arms.

" To take back the mating." Neteyam stated.

" What? Why would he?" Kiri asked, startled by this new information.

" I told him—that I am leaving, with the babies." Neteyam whispered.

" Well that's ridiculous! He never cared for the babies right?" Kiri huffed.

" I don't want to talk about it." Neteyam breathed out.

" Fine." Kiri whispered.
" You should look for another mate then."

" No. I don't want to." Neteyam stated.

Kiri nodded, looking out the maruis to see Ao'nung walking along the beach. Her eyes narrowed and she saw the same necklace Neteyam had given her. She walked out of the maruis, Me'lati still in her arms.

" Ao'nung!" Kiri called.

Ao'nung looked back at their eyes connected. However, he didn't say anything and rather and started to walk away in the other direction.

" Ao'nung! Stop!" Kiri demanded this time.

Ao'nung stopped and turned, watching Kiri step closer quickly. He looked down at the baby and took Me'lati from her hands.

" Ao'nung...she's coming with us." Kiri stated.

" So? She is still my daughter." Ao'nung hissed.

" Not anymore, you already took back on the mating." Kiri said and snatched Me'lati with care but quickly from Ao'nung.

" I have not. I may not love him anymore but I am not disloyal." Ao'nung stated

" You haven't?" Kiri asked.

" No." Ao'nung replied.
" Leave me alone, I want nothing to do with any of you."

" You still love him, don't you?" Kiri asked.

" Why can't I?! I have raised two kids with him for the past year—and week!" Ao'nung yelled.

Me'lati started to cry and Ao'nung stormed off quickly. Kiri was left alone. Her eyes narrowed and she sighed before returning to Neteyam.

Neteyam mounted his ikran, Nahele and Me'alti put infront of him. He looked back and there stood Ao'nung, his head was down and yet he still wore his necklace. His long curls rode down his back and his cheeks were stained—he had been crying.
Neteyam stepped down from the ikran and walked over to Ao'nung. Ao'nung's head stayed down but he looked to Tonowari and received a nod.

" Ao'nung...I love you." Neteyam whispered and lifted up his chin, planting a kiss.

Ao'nung did not kiss back but Neteyam remained that way. He held Ao'nung's hand, touching his curls.

" I see you." Neteyam breathed out and connected their foreheads.

" I see you." Ao'nung replied and his voice cracked.
"I see you."

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