Part 1- New start

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(First can we appreciate how beautiful he looks in that photo wow)

I hear a bang on my door, I don't answer it since I know it's my brother telling me to hurry up and get ready. Today is my first day at my new school, by that I mean the one and only gramma school in France which happens to be an all boys school. Bet your wondering how did I even end up going to an all boys school well me and 10 other girls are a part of a little test to see if girls and boys are able to mix together in a school. I can already hear the jokes and inappropriate comments that are gonna be made but there is nothing I can do.

I run down my stairs greeting my ma and pa with a kiss on the cheek. My pa gives my brother a lecture as always telling him to take care of me and look out for me. Honestly it's annoying when I obviously can take care of myself but who am I to stand up to my pa. My outfit is pretty simple a yellow flowery dress with white heels, white head band and a white cardigan.

My brother left before me since he doesn't want to be seen with his younger sister but I'm not complaining

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My brother left before me since he doesn't want to be seen with his younger sister but I'm not complaining. I wave my parents goodbye and head towards the school.

I arrive and relief is taken over my body realising I'm not the first but the last girl to come through. I see two girls stood at the register board so I make my way towards. I walk through with my head held high ignoring all the eyes that are on me. From the corner of my eye i see a boy sat with two friends on bench. Our eyes meet briefly, he slowly looks me up and down, raises his eyebrows and grins. He is tall, wavy dirty blonde hair, glasses and dressed in a very good manner. I must say he's cute exactly the type of boy my parents imagine me being with.

"I'm glad I wasn't the first one in huh" i say jokingly. I girl with braids turns to look at me and smiles "don't worry I was it wasn't very fun I must say but I'm Michéle by the way" she smiles at me. "And I'm Simone" the short haired brunette exclaims. "You made quite the entrance all the boys are staring right at you" Simone giggles. We briefly talk until Simone frantically says "your both wearing heels I didn't know if I could put mine on or not". "My mother didn't notice so I kept them on" responds Michéle and I nod my head in agreement.

Every now and again I would look back to see if the boy was still there but to my surprise he was doing the same. I heard the representative speak and I turn toward him. We all gathered round to hear his speech until they started calling out class lists. I was hoping me and the mystery boy were in the same class.

(I hope your liking the story so far and I would appreciate if you showed any support. I'll see you all next time for the next chapter goodnight. Also ITS MY BIRTHDAY big 16 hahaha)

Mon amour <3 (Joseph descamps)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant