CHAPTER: 20 Suspicion

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Zaidie's recovery after that went gracefully. She is now fine in Kawan's presence and isn't awkward anymore. Professor Liam came to visit her once with Isaac when he get to know Isaac had befriended her and has her access band. How this kid became her friend, he hadn't told him till now.

"Sister Zaidie. How are you? Here, I brought these tangerines and your band with me for you. Recover soon." , said Isaac handing her the things.

"Thank you very much Isaac", said Zaidie placing items near her and ruffled his hairs. Professor Liam said, " He don't like anyone touching his hairs. Just how did you two became friends?"

Zaidie smiled and said, "Professor, it is only between us. Elders need not to know."

Liam sighed, "Okay, still, thank you for taking care of him. He is hard to deal with sometimes."

They both bid farewell and Isaac promised to meet her soon.

On the way to the port, Liam ushered Isaac to go ahead as he had something to talk with his uncle and will catch up soon.

"Don't you think what you are doing is wrong to her?", asked Liam.

Kawan frowned, "Wrong? Don't you think what you are saying is wrong?"

Liam sighed, "You see, she has just started her career and she isn't even an omega. Don't you have conscience or slightest bit of guilt of what you have done to her?"

Kawan looked at him and said, "You do know all the circumstances and also know that I wasn't at fault to be guilty. I have apologized her and as for future, you need not to worry about it as it is a matter of between me and her."

Liam couldn't help but sigh deeply. "I know both of you and I don't want anything bad to happen. If you truly love and care for her, please take good care of her and respect her." , with that he left.

Kawan stood there and said nothing. He thought that what Liam had said was irrelevant. But, his thoughts drifted as to when he came to love her. Initially, she was eye catching. then he got interested in her, started to find more about her but he didn't knew when this interest of his changed into love. He thought he is attracted to her but no. When her life was in danger, his heart really did hurt a lot.

Now, he want to protect her from every threat, secure her from everyone and relocate her to a place where only he has access. This desire inside him is growing rapidly.

He want her and, this desire of his can only be soothed and controlled by Zaidie only.
Time will prove it.

Everything went back to normal like it was used to before. Zaidie healed pretty faster and got discharged from the hospital as a patient. When Zaidie continued her work, everyone in her friend circle showed concern.

"You took the hell out of me. Do you know, I thought that I won't be able to see you again?", said Kyrie immediately after entering.

Abel said, "It was like that. Glad that you are safe."

Hayden and Zane nodded from behind.

A smile graced on Zaidie's face. She replied, "Thank you for worrying about me."

Zaidie reached her cabin and started to treat patients like usual. Some of them brought flowers as late get well soon. They were persistent enough for her to take them eventually.

After lunch, she tended her greenhouse and made her way to her dorm with flowers in her hand. Today isn't any meeting and she is glad about that.

On the other hand, after that day, Kawan took matter of rumors seriously and banned everyone from badmouthing the innocent. He also took strict actions on those who were the root of these bad rumors and clarified everything with definite proof.

Kawan also remembered one thing. While reading Zaidie's medical reports he realized that 50% of her mental sea was battling against his vigorous pheromones. In other words, his pheromones couldn't control half of her mental sea despite her being an undifferentiated omega. And, that impossible miracle, her coming back from predicament unharmed and without any damage.

All of them cannot be coincidences. These things are just cannot be accepted by him so, he called Dr. Gavin, medical teams head and discussed with him.

"It was also a shock for me to accept that if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes", said Dr. Gavin.

Dr. Gavin continued after contemplating, "If she had differentiated, she surely would be a very higher one. Probably to compete with you but, nothing can be done."

Kawan frowned, "What held her back?"

"Maybe the circumstances near her wasn't that abundant at the time of her differentiation. We also have seen some cases that at the time of fetal development, if any mishaps happens that creates a barricade. Some also need their similar level opposite secondary gender pheromones to promote the person to help differentiate(i.e, if the person to be differentiated is an omega of a certain level then they need an alpha of the same level as his to help him and vice versa)." , replied Dr. Gavin.

Kawan nodded and asked, "What about now? Can she differentiated now?"

"Sir, it's been some time since she has passed the age of differentiating. According to our current progress and development of previous data, medical science and medicines, no. It is as if finding a needle in haystack", replied Dr. Gavin helplessly.

After this discussion with Dr. Gavin, Kawan realized one thing that the chances for Zaidie to differentiate is almost impossible.
But, he didn't forgot the word 'almost'.

So, the smooth day of hers took efforts from Kawan to make it that way. Now, as he know her schedule, he is heading towards the greenhouse to drop Zaidie to her dorm and had a very important thing to tell her. He already had a plan for that before the accident, to let her know about his feelings and now, he is going to do that.
And there, he spotted her, locking her greenhouse.

She didn't tie her hairs today. Probably because of the deep mark on her neck which, for him, gladly hadn't healed yet.

Her gorgeous silver hairs falling down a little lower from her shoulder, just touching her elbow. That delicate figure spotted him and started coming towards him with flowers in her hand.

'Wait, flowers...'

"Hello Mr. Wolfie. What brings you here?", asked Zaidie.

"These flowers... where did you get them?", asked Kawan, ignoring her question.

"Ah... these were given to me by my patients as a get well soon gift. They weren't that much of patients, it was just an excuse. But still, I like their devotion", said Zaidie with smile and fondness.

This irritated Kawan. He found himself getting jealous over a matter of flowers. Even for a little while, they took her affection.

"Let me take them", said Kawan forwarding his hands.

Zaidie brought those flowers closer to her and refused, "No, I can handle them."

"But they won't suit in a vase. They are of different-different colors", Kawan insisted on convincing her.

"But these gifts are given to me with goodwill. They are mine and however they look doesn't matter. I'll still cherish them."

Kawan sighed. However he tries, he sometimes finds himself in a situation where he can't help but sigh and this is good.


Zaidie smiled. Remembered something and asked again, "You haven't told me why you are here?"

They started walking while talking to each other. He replied, "Yeah it is. I came to drop you to your dorm and had to say something."

"What is it?", asked Zaidie.

"Do you remember I told you to wait for me and that I have something for you?", Kawan asked back.

Next Update: Around 22December, 2023

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