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Lisa didn't see Jennie for the rest of the day, not even during lunch. She looked around for her after their last period of the day. She knew Jennie had one of her club meetings for National Honor Society. Not that Lisa really knew Jennie's schedule on purpose, not really. Its not like she paid attention to when Jennie stayed after school. She just happened to know because she had dance practice on the same days sometimes so she sort of noticed, that was all.

She walked by the room where they had their meetings and peeked in just because. Just to see if she was there. No real reason. It was on her way to dance practice anyway. She didn't see Jennie though. Lisa felt disappointed for some reason.

Lisa actually skipped dance practice for once, it was the only thing she never skipped but she just didn't have it in her to dance that day and she didn't know why. She saw Rosie coming out of their school's music room as she was leaving, guitar in hand and Lisa barely stopped herself from asking where Jennie was.

Rosie noticed her though, apparently. She walked up to Lisa and she was a little confused as to why Rosie would even do that. They were civil. Rosie was nice but they didn't really talk. They weren't friends or anything for her to greet her like that. They said hi sometimes but they didn't actually talk. Besides that once incident in the cafeteria salad bar.

"Hey Lis."

"Rosie, hi?"

"Why aren't you at dance practice?"

"Oh—Um, you know me. I like to skip things." Lisa shrugged. Still confused as to why Rosie would even care to ask why she skipped.

"You skip everything but dance practice. You're just like me with music." Rosie giggled. "We don't miss that kind of stuff. Its too important to us."

Lisa had to admit she was right.

"I just wasn't feeling it today." Lisa answered vaguely.

Rosie already knew what this was about. Now that Jennie opened up to them about sleeping with Lisa she could see it even more than before. She didn't miss the way she had found Lisa standing outside of the NHS room. She was obviously looking for Jennie but she knew Lisa would never admit it so she decided to throw her a bone.

"You, me and Jennie are pretty much the same with our hobbies. We literally never skip unless its for a really super important reason."

Lisa perked up at the mention of Jennie. She tried to be casual. "What do you mean?"

"Jennie skipped her club today too and she never does that and neither do you. It's just crazy, that's why I came to talk to you when I saw you weren't at dance practice actually. It's like the stars are backwards or something considering you both skipped on the same day." Rosie said, trying to hint towards Lisa.

"Jennie skipped?" Lisa asked, as if she didn't already know.

"Yeah, she felt awful today. Girl things, you know?"

"Girl things?" Lisa asked, confused.

"Her time of the month Lisa. She was hormonal and something earlier today upset her but she didn't really tell us what it was but she was sad and cramping so she actually skipped the rest of the day."

"Oh. Ohhh. Okay." Lisa said nodding, hoping Jennie was okay, feeling the worry wash over her. Something about Jennie being sad didn't sit well with her.

"I'll see you around Lisa. I hope whatever is going on with you that you needed to skip isn't that serious." Rosie said, turning, still trying to bait her. "Jennie looked super sad and it would suck if you'd be that sad too."

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