Chapter 31

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                                                      Chapter 31

Brought back to the top of the mountain, Sapphire and Herbert are forced to their knees, the former trying to think of the best way to mock the floating, telepathic orb that she assumes to be their main captor. After all, she has to be the one to keep calm and belittle the situation. Somehow the overflow of obvious jokes crash together and nothing comes to mind.

Shurrel is held above ground by one of the skeletons. They must've figured out what he could do with the rock beneath them if he could touch it.  

He's perfectly prepared. 

Sapphire does her best to look assured while her stomach is threatening to vomit up anything it has ever ingested.  Remember: imagine the worst over and over until it washes over you.

"Who else is invited to this party?" Sapphire asks.

She notices a demonic looking half elf sitting on a symbol with her legs tucked in.

Pay close attention. You will get out of this alive and unscathed if you follow instructions.

Jess had mentioned a nightmarish voice in his mind the entire time he was forced to cast that spell. Two different, monstrous voices speaking in unison. It would terrify her, if she wasn't also thinking about how much she wanted to pound his skull into the ground.

All of you have one arm good for casting. Enough to dispel.

"Assuming a lot." Sapphire says.

The gate you see here is partially made from magic, and partially from kuoi. The magic structure is what allows passage between here and the bolgias. When I return through the gate, I will leave a single blightspawn soldier to hold Shurrel. You two will be released from your restraints to undo the magic portions of the gate. 

Do you want me to tell you what I'll do to Shurrel every time you defy me?

"Sapphire, keep, calm." Herbert urges in a whisper.

Sapphire bites her lip.


By the grace of the fates, Leon and Bellonda made it past Faust, away from the open area and beyond the gap of the fissure.  The flame repellant enchantment of Leon's sword has kept them safe this far in. Bellonda's arrows couldn't penetrate the shell of Faust, and even when its strength is enhanced, Leon's sword couldn't do much better.

"If I could just hit the eyes..." Bellonda says.

Leons sheathes his weapon, picks up Bellonda in his arms.

"What are you doing?"

"This will be faster." Leon says.

Trees break under the weight of Faust's body slamming down in the one nearest area they had a pittance of cover. The dragon looks straight at them, picking them out and letting loose another wave of fire. Leon's sword splitting the flames safely from them, their heat eliciting sweat from Bellonda. She steadies her arrow against the string.

At the dissappearance of the flames, Bellonda releases. Faust's tail reaches and slaps it away in time. 

"Is there something, anything else you can do?" Bellonda asks.

Faust takes back to the sky.

"How long can your sword keep those flames away?"  Bellonda asks.

"Dunno." he says.

She's supposed to be the leader here, that leaves it up to her to come up with a plan. She thinks of calling the others, but what if they appear right in line of the blast, or under the dragon if it drops again?

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