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Biographical Information
Name: Tsuki

Born: December 12 (original birthday), November 11 (5 minutes younger than Garu

Age: Same age as Garu (originally 12, 13 since the time of The Cursed Tie)

Gender: Female


(Replace the heart on the jumpsuit to a crescent moon symbol)

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(Replace the heart on the jumpsuit to a crescent moon symbol)

Resides: outskirts of Sooga Village

Professional Information
Occupation: Ninja

Affiliation: Good

Other Information
Abilities: Ninjutsu (specifically Tessenjutsu), immunity to any kind of mind control/brainwashing

Alektorophobia- Tsuki has an intense fear of chickens. The exact cause to this is unknown, but it was hinted that it was caused by a childhoos incident that involves chickens. She will eventually learn to overcome that fear

Like her twin brother Garu, she can sometimes be too prideful with her sense of honor.

Physical Description
Hair color: Black

Eye color: Black

- Garu (twin brother)

- Garu and Tsuki's father

- Clone Garu (Brother's clone)

- Pucca
- Ching
- Abyo
- Garu
- Han

Friends:- Pucca- Ching- Abyo- Garu - Han

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- Ssoso
- Tobe (sometimes)
- Destiny

- Tobe
- Dong King
- Ring Ring
- Muja
- Lazlo Gotzlotovitch (Prince not so charming)
- Doro (a robber and thief who steals/ robs from the people of Sooga Village. Her plans are often foiled by Tsuki)

 Her plans are often foiled by Tsuki)

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- Han

Romances:- Han

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