Chapter 42

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                                  Chapter 42

"To passing."

"To a new party guest."

"To living."

Jess, Sapphire and Leon clink their pop bottles. 

"Two extra packs. Make it money well spent." Sapphire says.

Jess explained to Sapphire what he all ready had to Leon, about using Apopis's own ritual to release Faust, eliminate the dragons and protect Schopengaard from any of Apopis's spawn. Doing so used up most of the kuoi in his soul. Jess said he would need an exam to be sure, but was pretty confident he wasn't bolgia touched from this.

"But you sure put that to good use. Using kuoi to power and maintain spell reflecting enchantments. and you try to tell me you aren't a master caster." Sapphire says.

"I, thanks... Oh, thats right. Leon, you should tell Sapphire." Jess says.

"Got a job. Maintenance." Leon says.

"Huh, cool." Sapphire says.


"Has Eliza said what she's doing next quarter?" Jess asks.

"She's out of the ward, but she's still recovering. I don't think she's thinking too much about thinking about that right now." Leon says.

"Oh...well, understandable." Jess says.

A shadow, defying the basics of lighting, stretches under the door way. Leon nods and stands up. Thats someone he has not seen in a good, long while. Better see what brought him back.

"Bathroom." Leon says.

"We've got ourselves a light weight bladder." Sapphire says.


Perhaps not as lightweight as Mystico right now, hanging from the hall way ceiling with bird feathers on his arms.

"You're going to get blasted the instant anyone else sees you." Leon says.

"Let'em try, they'll never take me alive! Birds are free creatures and we will not be caged!" he says. 

"Get down all ready."

He lands gracefully, spreading his arms out.

"Where have you been?" Leon asks.

"Confused." Mystico says.

"Uh huh. Any other news?" Leon asks.

"Tell me, my boy, how does it feel not to be the hero this time?" he asks.

"Be great if I never had to be again." Leon says.

Everyone stepped up. Not just Eliza, who he knew would some day. Jess stood up to Apopis and is the reason he woke up when he did. Elmer also went back to fight Apopis. There's a lot of people here strong in body, mind, or both. This home might stand up to snuff after all.

Mystico nods, looking out the window.

"There's not something else going on, is there?" Leon asks.

Mystico crouches.

"What's out there to kill us this time?" Leon asks.


Mystico springs down the stairs with an ample supply of "woosh, woosh!" sounds. 

"I'm so glad we had this talk."


Eliza minimizes her aura to the best of her abilities. She can still not help but draw attention wherever she goes. Her posters are all over Schopengaard, announcing this honorary event where she will be officially declared as the heroine of Schopengaard. Her picture is plastered at least once in every hall. She gives a smile and a wave, but does not garner any enthusiastic responses.

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