The wild one

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Ten years. Nothing change, except maybe the floral arrangement on the outside. The mansion, place I use to call home, where I use to feel safe was now making me feel uneasy. I knew my family was in there and will be welcoming me like nothing ever happen, since they have been asking me to come back since I left but I was still hesitating to even pass the outside wall. Hand in my pocket I was staring at the house, I could feel a few of them inside, some I knew, other I couldn't recognize the scent. Notice one of them by the window staring back at me, they probably felt or scent me, they were scared. This made me smirk, I guess I give the same vibe as I use to. Other then my close family, the rest of my race always had fear me to some extend, either from reputation or the aura I was giving out. A figure join the first one at the window, they probably call them over wondering who was this man standing by the entrance, not moving. He knew who I was though, even from far I notice his smug smile resting his face, he was to proud since I finally respond to one of the hundred letter they send me and I respond to his. He vanish from the window to reappear at the door opening it, he lean against the door frame arm cross over his chest. I knew he was waiting for me to join him but I didn't move, I still wasn't sure if I was ready to pass that door.
Are you going to stand there all night? I could hear him clear even from this distance. I sigh. I knew I had to decide, either walk away again or go in and finally know why they need me so urgently. I had my suspicion but I want to hear it from them. So?I look back at him. I should, might as well try.. I can't runaway for ever can I?

So what is so urgent? Popping right in front of him in a second

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So what is so urgent? Popping right in front of him in a second. He snort.
Good to see you to Kook I am too Jimin.. I don't know why I'm acting this cold. They are my brothers after all but after that night I shut off. They all tried to make me feel better, nothing work. Then Joon told me to maybe leave for a few weeks to clear my mind but those turn into months then years. They all gave me my space and none came to looking for me but I knew Jin had some of his lackey watching me, probably just reporting to him where I was or what I was up to. I let him and he knew I did because if I really wanted to I could had escape his men but if I did mean he would have had to find me himself or send one of the other and I didn't want that. As long as they were not interfering with my action I didn't mind them spying on me. I start getting annoyed when the letters they send, one after the other, kept coming in. Maybe 2 or 3 years after I left, all different but with the same goal, asking me to come back. Jimin send the last one, wasn't his first one but this time he went a bit more in detail why they want me back, they need me for something.
Who am I hunting Jimin? Was his time to sigh.
I'm sure Jin will make a meeting once he know your home.. for now can you not just be happy to be back? We missed you.. you know.. Did I miss them to? Yes. Am I happy to be back? No.. not really. I knew the moment I'll step in all the memories are going to run back in my brain, even if I try not to think about it. The figure I saw at the window before show up in the back of the lobby, looking at me with a curious eye. She look like she was recently turn, wonder the reason. We never turn someone without a good reason, whatever it is, even if its just to have staff and those are usually talk in advance while they are still human. I keep inspecting her, I could tell she was not from here, she look really insecure and scared but yet curious, mean she probably only meet the one that live here and other then Jin, she probably never seen an old one. We do have different aura but she should know that, they would have teach her or at least tell her who I am, they would I think. Either they found her, which would explain her being scared but the fact that she's also curious and hasn't ran away yet, she might be a messenger. I realize she was holding something, trying to hide it, small smirk came to my lips while I tilt my head slightly. Her eyes widen, I had my answer.. she was here to deliver a message but not a nice one, sadly I think she just realize it wont be easy. Jimin for sure notice my smile cause he turn his head to find out why. Kook don't scared her.
I'm not
Really? Dude I can only smell her fear right now.. she's not a threat here. I let out a low chuckle.
Is that so? Staring back at her, she was even shaking. She was hesitating, her muscle flex, she was getting ready to pounce but I shook my head slowly. Doll.. I wouldn't. Jimin gave me a questioning look. I could have tell him but if I did I would not get the answer I want. He turn to her.
Myriam I think you should go into your room.. She was frozen, she knew I caught her and now was really scared of what will happen. Myriam? He raise his voice a bit, she jump. Go to your room. She gave him a shaky nod before she left, quickly. My eyes stayed on her until I couldn't see her again. What are you playing at now? I raise a brow at him.
I was not the one playing Jimin.. anyway.. why am I here? I knew he had many question but he knew he wouldn't get any answer to them.
I already send someone to get Jin.. come in, Joon and Yoongi are here and I'll text the other. I sigh. He win.. I wouldn't say it out loud but I did wanted to see my family again. I took a deep breath, not that I need it but like human I found it calming, before step back home.

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