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MAR LEFT LATE IN the afternoon. Tanka invited her to the movies since Noya backed out. Pussy ass. Anywho, they left to watch some scary movie leaving me alone with the animals.

I didn't care though, I love my pets. Currently, I was in the living room with Nala on my lap while Hades and w slept on their cat tree. The TV was playing Good Morning Call, a Kdrama that I watched a long time ago but never finished the second season so I have to watch it all over again.

It was a slow burn but the plot was good, to say the least. Whilst petting Nala softly there was a knock on my front door. "the hell?" I whispered as I picked up Nala into my arms and walked over to the door. I looked through the peephole and saw it was Noya holding a ton of bags. He looked like he was about to drop them at any second so I quickly opened the door.

"Why are you here?" I asked confused as he came inside. I shut the door behind him and looked at him crazy, "thank god you opened the door. I was about to drop these" he sighed setting them down

"Why are you here?" I repeated my questions still not understanding the surprise visit. "Welll my pretty lady" Noya smiled, "these are for you"

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Noya, are you trying to buy my love?" I asked playing with Nala's fur

"Nooo, I just want to treat you" He shrugged also petting Nala, "She's so cute"

"Don't touch my child" I glared at him before walking back to the couch. Noya followed me with the bags as he sat them in front of me. He looked so happy for me to open them so I couldn't help but giggle and satisfy his wishes

I let Nala walk around while I opened the first bag, ironically it was a dog collar for Nala. It was a custom collar that was pink with her name on it covered in jewels with a heart. I gasped slightly looking at it, "Noyyaaaa"

"You like it? I had to go like five different places" He admitted as he sat down next to me

"It's beautiful, Mari will like it too"

I continued to open the bags of gifts Noya got me, in total there was Nala's dog collar, essential oils, candles, face masks, a Hello Kitty and Axolotl stuffie, and makeup. It felt good that he thought about stuff I liked and talked about to surprise me. I thanked Noya and hugged him, "Thank you so much, but you have to stop spending your money on me"

Noya shook his head, "I like giving you stuff and seeing how happy you get while receiving them" he stated as he cleaned up the empty bags and wrapping.

I grabbed the collar that came from Noya and walked over to Nala. "Look baby, isn't it cute?" I cooed at my dog whilst putting the collar on her. Nala seemed to like it since she got the zoomies and started running around the whole downstairs. I laughed before walking to the kitchen where Noya was. "So since you're here, you wanna help me make dinner?" I asked in a pleading tone because I didn't feel like doing it alone.

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