Chapter 32

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"C'mon Skye, you need to let go," a voice whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw Fred Weasley standing in front of me, except... He looked... Different. He looked pale (well, paler than before) and almost, dare I say, transparent.

"Where am I?" I asked slowly, sitting up. Everything hurt, and I mean everything. I looked around and all I could see was the faint outline of Hogwarts and the battlefield.

"Er, I don't exactly know," Fred said, "but you have to let go. If you don't... Well, I don't know what will happen, but just trust me. Everything will hurt less if you close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let go."

"Did you?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, just trust me."

I did what he said, and suddenly, I was overwhelmed with a sense of peacefulness. When I opened my eyes again, Fred was sitting on the ground next to me. "Fred, are we... Dead?" I asked.

He turned his head to look at me and I saw a small tear trickle out of the corner of his eye. "Yeah."

"Oh." That's all I could say. How else do you respond when you find out you're dead.

"There you two are! We've been looking for you everywhere!" A voice called. I turned around to see Lupin and Tonks running towards us.

"Wait, are you two... You know... Like us?" I asked.

"Yeah, we are," Tonks said solemnly. "We've been looking for you guys for hours! They took all the bodies into the Great Hall to be mourned ages ago. Remus and I were out right away, but I don't know what happened to you two. I guess you were killed farther away from everyone else... Is this where it happened?"

"Uh, yeah, I think so," I replied, scratching my head. "The big crumbled wall is where it happened to Fred, and I think I was right here."

"Makes sense. It happened to Remus and I closer to everyone else," Tonks said.

"Wait, so you mean... Is the Battle over?" Fred asked, standing up.

"No, time works differently in our world. An hour to us is a lot less for them. When we say we've been looking for you for hours, it's probably only been one hour in normal time." Lupin explained. "The Battle just recently got postponed for everyone to take care of the dead."

"How many... Who else... Uh, yeah..." I muttered. Wow, death made me stupid.

"Other than the four of us, no one from the Order," Tonks chimed in.

"So Harry, he's alright?" Fred questioned.

"Well, not exactly," Lupin started. "I just talked to him in the Forest..."

"Why is he in the Forest?"

"He's going to sacrifice himself to Voldemort."

"What? No! He can't!" I screamed. "People have died for him! We died for him! I died for him! I can't believe he would do something like this!"

"It will all be alright in the end," Lupin said knowingly. "Harry has a part of Voldemort living inside of him. The only way to kill Voldemort, is for Harry to die."

"I can't believe this is happening," Fred muttered. "Poor Georgie. First me, then Harry. What's the poor chap going to do! I suppose he'll finally be the best looking one in the family, though. That's got to feel nice. "

Leave it to Fred to make a joke out of his own death. At least he'll keep me company here, I suppose.

"Say, Tonks, can anyone see us? Other than each other?" Fred asked quietly. Wow, that's about the only time I've ever heard him say something quietly before.

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