Welcome to Mystic Falls

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• Philadelphia, 1793•

"What?" I screamed and scooted back to the closest wall. The stories my grandmother told me were true. Vampires were real, and they were here to kill us. I always thought it would be the fever that would take me from this world, not a vampire.

The vampire sighed and placed her hand on her forehead, "Juliana, calm down."

"Get away from me, you monster!" I cried. "Are you even ill!"

Katherine shook her head, "No, I'm not. Vampires can not get sick." She paused and thought about something. "I can help you, Juliana. You would not have to suffer anymore."

I quickly shook my head as tears rolled down my checks, "No, I rather die."

She rolled her eyes, as if this was normal "I may have only know you for a few hours, but I know you want to live. Everyone wants to live."

My tears came down my cheek, and trailed down to my neck. "No, I want to die. I deserve to die." She stood up and came over to me. "Stay away." I thought she would listen, but instead she came closer to me. I tried to move further away from her, but there was no where to go. "Stay away!" I screamed.

"I'm going to take you somewhere much better, Juliana. You need to trust me." Katherine told me.

I looked up at her with my blue watery eyes, "Y-you w-were never going to kill me?" I stuttered.

Katherine chuckled, "No, dear, I was not. I want to be friends, and that's it." She held her hand out, "Let me help you, Juliana."


• Mystic Falls, 1864•

"Again, why are we doing this, Kat?" I asked my best friend, while on our way to this town named Mystic Falls. Of course, I had to be the one arrange the carriage and write the fake letter about our parents dying in a tragic fire. Like always, the family believed us and were willing to take us in. Well, they will be taking in Katherine. I was not like her, I didn't like taking advantage of humans because I was just like them not that long ago. "I have better things to do then act like a orphan."

Katherine rolled her eyes, "We need some where to hide from Klaus, Julia."

I raised an eyebrow, "Correction, you need somewhere to hide."

She looked back at me, anger in her light brown eyes. "Should not you have doctor things to do? Like find out what Yellow Fever came from." My friend snapped. My face fell, and she knew she hit a nerve. I turned and looked out the window of our carriage, not wanting to face her. "Juliana-"

"Don't, just don't." I fired back and stared out of the window. Watching the trees roll by, and soon saw the old wooden sign that said 'Welcome to Mystic Falls'. "I am not staying with these people, Katherine."

"Why not? Emily is coming." She told me.

I rolled my eyes and waited for our arrival.


"Katherine, we are here." Emily Bennett announced, also known as Katherine's handmaiden, and is a witch. I happened to like Emily, not just because she made it possible for me to walk in the sun and feel the warmth it give off, but she was nice and she did a lot for us. Although, I wish Emily was in not Katherine's debt after Katherine had saved her, but that was Katherine for you.

"Thank god, I thought I was going to die in here." Katherine cried, while I rolled my eyes once again. Sometimes my best friend is a little over dramatic.

We waited until the coachman put down the stool and open the door. Emily, being Katherine's handmaiden, had to exit the carriage first. Then it was my turn. Emily held a hand out to help me out of the carriage. Finally it was Katherine was the last to exit.

Emily and I held out a hand to help her out. She took both of our hands and slowly exited the carriage. Once she was out, she was staring at the man in front of the large marble house. While Emily was fixing her dress.

The man came closer to us, "You must be Miss. Pierce."

Katherine held out her hand and which he took, then she curtsy. "Please, call me Katherine."

Then the two stared at each other for what seem like forever.


• Philadelphia, 1793•

I looked up at her, wanting to take her hand. On the other hand, I didn't. She could kill me, before the fever could. Then I remember my sister, Abigail. She told me if I lived through this, I would find her in New York City when we were both turned twenty-one.

Slowly, I reached up and grabbed Katherine's hand, and she pulled me up to my feet. She placed my arm along her shoulders and her hand right under my armpit to keep me up. "I have a carriage waiting outside for us. We will use it and find a doctor to help you." She told me, while walking to the front door.

I quickly shook my head, "No." I said. "No doctors. They will murder me."

Katherine sighed, "Juliana, I have heard of a place called Bush Hill. They are healing people."

I look over at her, "Have you seen it be done?" I asked.

"Well, no." She answered. "We need to do something. I am not letting you die."

Katherine was able to carry me out of my childhood home and in front of my house was a carriage. The coachman was sitting until he notice me. He quickly jumped off of his seat and came rushing over to us.

"Miss. Pierce, I can not have someone with the fever in my wagon." He said pointing to me.

"Katherine-" I started, until she stopped me.

"No, Juliana." Next she looked at the coachman, and her eyes dilated. "You are going to allow her into the carriage."

He looked back at me and smiled, "Please, come." I looked at him confused, why did he change his mind so fast? Did Katherine have something to do with it?

Katherine led me to the carriage and the coachman opened the door and I slowly climbed inside with Katherine following.

"Katherine?" I called out.


"Do you happen to have a bucket in here? I don't want to vomit in here." I told her.

She smiled, "We won't be too long, Juliana. I'm sure you can make it."

I shook my head, "I do not know about that."

"Trust me."


This story might be a little confusing, but you will soon start to understand every thing. Just make sure you read what year and placed.

The Elusive Katherine PierceWhere stories live. Discover now