wedding night

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Annie's pov

My sister has gone. I am happy for her new life but I am sad too. I will miss her at our home. Our cute fightings, her stupid questions, our movie nights. Everything!

I know jin oppa will take care of her very well. Oppa? Yes! He is my brother in law now.

"Annie we need to talk."my mother pulled me out of my thoughts.

"About what eomma?"

"Follow me." I did what she said.

She entered in a room where Appa, sungwoon,his father were already present.

Don't tell me they are going to fix my marriage now.

But sungwoon heared clearly what jungkook said. I don't think any boy will be want to marry a girl who is already with someone else.

BTS members have left after somi and jin oppa.

"Come daughter!" My father said smiling to me.

I sat near him.

"You had already meet him. Right?" My heart is beating fast.

I nodded my head.

"I know you are still young for marriage. But your younger sister got married today. People will raise questions, why older is still unmarried? I hope you are understanding."

Nope, I don't understand. Why the fuck people involve in others life. Why can't they mind their own fucking business??

"Don't be shy. Please feel free. You're like my own daughter." His father said.

Shy and me?? Hell no uncle!!
I am just wondering how stupid is your son! Still not uttering a word.

Come on dude say you don't want to marry me!

"I am not forcing you princess. Just give some time to him.ok?" My father said patting my head. I nodded my head slightly.

"Go and enjoy." His father said.

Sungwoon stood up from his seat.

What is actual shit!

At jin's home

Jin's pov

I never thought my life will turn so fast. I started liking somi when she first time hugged me in her drinking state. But I never thought I would fall for her eventually.

I didn't wanted to get married soon but it was important to show people that we have life too. We also have right to love someone, to be with someone. We can't live being afraid all the time.

"Wow this is so beautiful." Somi pulled me out of my thoughts. She is roaming her eyes in our new home.

Yes our.

"You liked it." I asked smiling.

"I love it." She clapped her hands In happiness.

"Let me show you our room."

"Wow this is awesome jinshi."

I smiled, I am glad she liked it.

"Your all clothes are in the closet, go and change. You must be feeling uncomfortable in this wedding gown."

"Yess, it's very heavy." She said pouting.

What now??

It's our wedding night!

But she is so young.

BUt still she is 21.

Should I do anything or not??

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