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I went and sat with Mingi and Yunho on the couch as I rested my head in my hands, " I really pissed him off this time didn't I?" I sighed in exhaustion. I'm getting so tired of fucking things up. I feel like I can never do anything right, I could never get the grades my parents expected of me. I could never hit my goal weight for myself, and I was always embarrassing my brother. I sighed again and Yunho rubbed my back to try and comfort me, "Jagi, it'll be okay, Hongjoong just needs to calm down, okay?" I looked at him with a weak smile, "I hope so, everyone was so happy until a moment ago... what did I do that made him so angry?" I asked sincerely. Mingi chimed in then with a sigh, "It wasn't really so much you MiYoung, he's more upset with me really." I turned to look at him now, "Why is he mad at you? I'm still confused." He looked down at his hands that were restlessly fidgeting in his lap, "I disrespected him, unintentionally, but that doesn't matter among Alphas." I turned back to Yunho, searching his eyes for answers. The kind of eye contact that was apparently unwanted, since he looked away from me as well, "Yunho, what the hell is going on?"

It was his turn to sigh now, "MiYoung, in a Pack, you know we have the Pack Alpha and now we have the Pack Omega... When it comes to marking, it's understood among the Alphas in the Pack that the first one to receive a mark back would be the Pack Alpha, out of respect for him. Mingi has now disrespected him by receiving your mark before him, but since you surely had no idea that was how things worked, Hongjoong is being much more understanding about it. However, in Mingi's case, he knew better and didn't say anything to you about it. So he's kind of on an unspoken hitlist," he chuckled sarcastically. I looked at Mingi with shock written all over my face, "Mingi! Why didn't you stop me?" He smiled at me and said, "Well, kitten, as I told you when I'm inside you I kind of lose myself for the moment. I should have stopped you, but I don't have any regrets," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Me and Joong will be okay eventually."

Great, now I might as well have single-handedly ruined their friendship. I admit it was a bit reckless of me to bite him, but I had no idea I was capable of marking anyone. I haven't even been an Omega that long. I playfully smiled at Mingi, and even though I was internally freaking out, I slapped his shoulder. "I really didn't mean to mark you...I just... got carried away in the moment. I don't regret it, but I didn't do it intentionally," I pleaded. Seonghwa spoke then, "MiYoung, he knows you didn't. He's just going to need some time to cool off. Everything will be okay, so don't worry." I met his gaze, and I could feel the honesty there, "Why did he have a doctor called to the house? I mean, I wanted to see one anyways, I just don't understand why it had to be right away?" I asked Seonghwa. His eyes shifted from mine then, "Ah, well... you seem to be the same as when you left. You're bonded to all of us, but now Mingi is... Imprinted, for lack of a better term, he's yours. Typically when you're imprinted it's a two-way street, but that doesn't seem to be the case with you. Which, to be honest, isn't normal. It's technically impossible, hence the call for the doctor."

My eyes went huge then, as I took in the seven other pairs around the room who looked on in concern for me. Why the fuck does my life keep spiraling out of my control? Why couldn't I just be normal? I just wanted things to slow down, I still hadn't adjusted to being part of a Pack, and now? I sighed in defeat and groaned as I leaned on Yunho's shoulder and closed my eyes. I could feel the atmosphere in the room thicken, it was like a certain tension that wasn't being spoken into the air, but things like that never stay unspoken for long. Especially with Jung Wooyoung in the room, you can depend on that, "Oh.. my.. god. Jeong Yunho! Did you get the girl?!" He shouted in excitement, making everyone's eyes light up in shock. San looked at his boyfriend and then at me, "Wait, for real? You told her how you felt? Oh, Yunho, I'm so proud of you baby." I looked up at Yunho from his shoulder with a smile, "So everyone knew how you felt about me? That's cute." I reached a hand up to his face and planted a kiss on the opposite cheek. When I pulled away to look at him again he was blushing furiously, I mumbled, "So fucking cute."

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