Story Of My Life. (Pliot)

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(I'm Ashley and I'm going to be writing this book and I'm quite new at this so please no hate comments :) this book is probably not the best written book so if you're looking for a well-written book this is not it... and there will more than likely be errors, spelling errors and the chapters will probably be short, but still I hope you enjoy!)
(strong language)

Life can take you places extraordinary, but if you stay safe and don't take chances you'll regret it. Take those chances and they may change the way you think or over all change your life.

You learn from failures and not from success.

Hello, my name is Grace Spear and this is my story.

Past History:

My real mother didn't want me.... she left me at a door of a foster care in the middle of town called "Home For Girls" when I was born. The foster care was old and had that creepy feel to it. I didn't like it very much because the girls are mean, the beds were uncomfortable, the place is was dirty and the rooms leaked, severely. My life wasn't great from the "get-go" I mean my own mother didn't even want me.

when I was about five I was adopted. I was so excited, but then soon realized my dreams haven't came true.... and it became more like my nightmares. My "parents" were fake, out in the real world they were perfect and well mannered, but behind closed and locked doors they were demons in disguise.

Growing up in this hell sucked. I tried to obey as much as possible, but my curiosity always got the best of me. So, I just got in trouble a lot because of my father. He despised me, I always wondered why? I also wondered why I couldn't go outside or go to school, but my father always said "I wasn't a good girl, and you wouldn't be here if you weren't such a pain in the ass." I knew that wasn't true, my father was hiding me from the outside world. Why? I don't know, but I do know one thing, I'm determined to escape.

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