Me, Catherine and I

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(At the OC House, the oc's were preparing for the show)

Catherine: Oh no, Clara. I-I don't feel so good. I-BBBBLLLAAAA! (Sprays Silly String at Clara)

Clara: Ohhh, Generous, what did you feed us?! BBBBBLLLAAAA! (Sprays Silly String at Catherine)

(They imitate barfing sounds while spraying silly string at each other)

Clara: Hahaha, barfing!

Delilah: Guys, guys, stop! Something terrible just happened! BBBBLLLAAAA! (Sprays Silly String at the two and they all laugh hysterically)

Clara: (Throws confetti) Comedy gold!

Thunder: (Takes Silly String cans and confetti) Alright, alright! That's enough! Hey Cath, hows about you make yourself useful and copy these flyers? (Shows Catherine a flyer)

Clara: Oh boy, a trip to the copier store!

Little Miss Crazy: Calendars, mugs, t-shirts and more! They got it all at the copier store! That's not their slogan, I just really feel that way about the copier store.

Twistar: Nah, save the trouble. You know the old copier in the prop room? I finally fixed the old girl up! Good as new!

(At the prop room, Clara and Catherine pull the sheet off the old, busted up copier machine)

Catherine: (Lifts the lid up) Does it even work? (Presses a button, then rests her arm on the machine. It turns on, and creates a copy of her arm)

Clara: (Picks up the paper) Success! (Notices the paper shaking and drops it) Whoa!

(The picture of Catherine's arm comes to life and begins to crawl near them, causing them to scream)

Catherine: Stay back! (Throws her soda at the arm, disintegrating it) Oh my gosh! Clara, I think this copier can copy living beings!

Clara: Do you realize what this means? (Pauses) BBBBLLLAAAA!! (Sprays Silly String at Catherine)

(Later that night, when the show begun Catherine was doing her duties as a waitress when she saw Michelle sitting in a table)

Catherine: Be right back! Sure the others won't mind if I'm gone for a few minutes. (Turns to run to Michelle)

Thunder: (Blocks her path) Hey! What are you doing, kid? These suckers aren't gonna get dinned themselves!

Catherine: (Sighs) Fine.... (Thunder leaves) If only I could be two places at once. (Gets and idea. She goes into the prop room, lies down on the copy machine and presses the copy button) I wonder if this is a good idea.

(Catherine is copied. The paper with the copy of her falls to the ground. It ripples, and the Catherine clone comes to life)

Catherine: Whoa! ...I have a really big head.

Catherine and Clone: So, uh... (Chuckles) sorry, you first. Stop copying me! (Laugh)

Clone (Tries to slap her leg but hits her elbow on the copy machine) Ow, ow! Funny bone!

Catherine: (Writes the number 2 on the clone's shirt) I will call you: Number 2.

Number 2: Definitely not. You know a name I've always wanted?

Catherine and Number 2: Malisa?

Catherine: Okay, Malisa. Let's get down to business. I'm thinking you cover me at my job, while I talk to Michelle.

Malisa: I know the plan, buddy.

Catherine: (Backs away from Malisa) Hey, we're not gonna get jealous and turn on each other like the clones in the movies, are we?

The greatest oc's the series: Season 8Where stories live. Discover now