Chapter 5

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Mia's eyes opened to see the bright hospital lights. Her head ached and she felt groggy. Sitting on a chair next to her bed was him; he seemed to have dozed off.

She was confused, she figured he would have just left her after the accident. But in a way, she was a little happy that he had stayed.

A nurse quickly came over to her, "How do you feel, Miss?"

"Uh, a little hazy but okay, I guess." her speech felt slured.

"Alright, I'll do a quick check up and you should be fine to go."

Mia finally registered to a slight stinging sensation from her feet. When she looked at them, they were covered in bandaids. She was positive that she had shoes on during the accident so she asked the nurse what happened.

"Oh, you probably don't remember because of all the medication we gave you." the nurse continued with her work. "When you first woke up you ran out of the hospital onto the streets. Luckily this kind gentleman found you, again."

"Oh, I see." So he probably didn't stay the whole time. "Um, about the hospital bill, I don't really have much - "

"It's already been sorted out, Miss." she looked over at the young man napping in the chair. "I just need you to fill out the forms."

Mia looked over to him. He was still asleep. He confused her. People are either "nice" to you, or mean to you. How could someone be both and yet none at the same time? She shook her head, it'll be best not to ponder.

"And you're fine to go. Just take it easy until your wrist heals, should be about a week. If you could stop by the front desk on your way out please."

Mia nodded and smiled at the nurse. She seemed to be in her late forties but she has a spring of youth in her step.

"You're awake." he said. Mia turned to him and he looked like he never even fell off to sleep. "How are you feeling?"

"I'll be okay. The nurse told me what you did,"

He started blushing, "Oh, that, uh lets just forget about that okay? I was all caught up in the moment and - "

"What are you talking about? I was going to say thank you, you know, for paying the bill. And of course, I'll pay you back." Mia scrunched her face, What else happened?

"Yeah sure, th - that's what I was talking about." he put his head down, trying to block his face.

"Did something else happen?" Mia asked.

"No, nothing else." he stood up and gathered all his things, "I'll be waiting outside."

Mia's feet hurt, but it was bearable. She closed the room door and grabbed her clothes, which were left in a neatly folded pile next to her bed.

The left of her abdomen was bruised and her wrist hurt when she moved it. She slipped into her faded jeans and black cotton tee. Her takkies were nearing their end but she was happy that they had lasted her four years. She used a scrunchie that she found (the nurse mustv'e left it for me) and tied up her wavy espresso brown hair into a high ponytail and threw on her jacket. She squeezed her crimson cheeks as per her daily routine, "Stay strong!"

He was waiting outside her room like he had said. The bright lights highlighted his features; warm beidge skin, a stoic jawline and piercing, golden honey eyes.

"Ready?" he looked at Mia, who may have been analysing him for too long.

"Yeah, lemme just fill out those forms."

While Mia was filling in the forms, he hovered over her, studying all the details, "So that's your name. Nice to meet you, Mia." he attempted a friendly smile.

"Likewise. And your name is?" Mia just realised that this guy had already done so much for her and she still didn't know his name yet.

"Leo. My name is Leo."

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