Chapter 37

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"Why are we here?" She ask looking around our surroundings.

"Come here" i say patting my lap. Dios mio! I dont know what i'm doing, i just want her close to me. She looks at me confused, i sigh then i pick her up by her waist placing her on my lap. In a straddling position, damn.

Her ayes widen "W-what are y-you doing?" She ask stuttering a bit, her face beet red. I wanted to tease her and say 'red looks good on you' but i go against it, this is not the time.

"How are you feeling?" I ask instead. She open her mouth to response, i place my finger on her mouth "Dont even think about lying to me" i say because i know all she would do is lie to me, she gulps looking out of the window.  She shifts uncomfortable on me. My breath gets heavy when she does so, i groan silently.

Her gaze falls back to me "If i were you, i would stay still" i say glancing down on my manhood smirking, she smiles shyly at me. My eyes travel between her moisturized lips and eyes, i dont know what's the thing she uses to moisture her lips with. She always has that thing on.

"Are you okay? dont lie" i ask again, she sighs

"I'm not fine, okay. I'm far from being fine or being okay, I'm not fine Luca. Marcus... he made me feel like i'm dirty, like i'm used. Him and Andriano made me live in fear and being jumpy all the time. I'm always scared, i cant even go to the park alone. Its funny how that park is so close to my house but i dont have the guts to walk alone. I'm ju- "

I smash my lips on hers, it caught her of guard because she doesn't respond immediately. I was about to pull away when she wraps her small arms around my neck, i grab her waist pulling her closer since she shifted. Her hands went to my hair, i love how her lips feels against mine. She slowly pulls off breathing heavily, she lean her back on the steering wheel.

Shit! what have i done?

"You taste like strawberries" i say licking my lips, she chuckles lowly showing me something. "What's that?" I ask

"Chapstick, Strawberry flavor" no wonder she tastes so good. I smile nodding,

"Do you regret it?" I dont know why i asked this question because i honestly dont want the answer. What if i ruined our friendship? Fuck, i messed up this time. I look her in the eyes, she shakes her head not saying anything. I nod smiling.

"Can we go to McDonald's? I'm hungry" she change the subject, i frown a little but quickly cover it with a grin mumbling a 'yeah'. I put her back to her seat, i lean over dragging the seat belts for her and clip it in. Her breath stops when i do so, i smile to myself at the effect i have on her.

I drive to the nearest McDonald's, after minutes we got there. Leila's hand reach for a door handle, i quickly hold her wrist shaking my head. She looks confused, i went out off the car and jog to her side, opening the door for. She smiles and thank me, i lock the car and we walk. We order our food, we bicker a little at 'Who's paying' she wants to pay for her food but i obviously didn't let her. We went to take seat, we slide in a booth near the window.

"Can i ask you a question?" She ask breaking the silence.

"You already did" i flash her my smile showing my dimples, she pouts at my response. Can she be less cute? "Go ahead... ask"

"What will you do to Marcus?"

The question caught me off guard, i dont wanna lie. I stare at her straight in the eye, i chuckle when she squirm in her seat.

"I will burn him alive" i say casually, her eyes widen

She shakes her head "No! You will not do that king, you cant hurt him. You-"

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