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WSP BITCHES HOW ARE YALL! it's been such a long ass time. I almost forgot bout this. Y'all haven't seen what happened with Tanjiro 🤭 ...so y'all is bouta see😜

After Uzui and Zenistu made up. Tanjiro hasn't seen neither of them for such a long time. Inosuke hasn't seen Zenistu since what he tryed to do.

(3 days later at 4:56 PM)

"I'm so stupid...now my best friend hates me ... How could I do that to him.." Tanjiro said while he was sitting down on Giyyu's couch. Giyyu tomioka was the only one tanjiro was ever really comfortable with about sharing this kind of stuff. He always listened and helped.

"You should try to talk to him. He probably is going to be more mad by you not saying anything about it." Tomioka always talked so kind and gentle to Tanjiro...it was peaceful.

Tanjiro kept venting as giyyu listened. After a couple minutes someone knocked on the door.

"Did you invite someone?" Tanjiro asked giyyu. "Uh..no,not that I remember of.." "weird...I'll go answer in for you" Zenistu told tomioka." Thank you.. " giyyu said with a slight smile on his face. Tanjiro walked towards the door as the knocks got louder and bigger.

He opens the door to see Zenistu. "Ah.. Tanjiro..I knew you would be here." Zenistu said kindly."The fuck are you doing her Zenistu." "First drop the attitude. I'm not dealing with ur shit again. I just wanna talk about how you slept with MY boyfriend.

"Zenistu..I'm so so sorry. But you guys were broken up so you can't get mad at me for that." Tanjiro said with a hint of attitude In it. " NO TANJIRO YOU DINT UNDERSTAND. YOU WERE MY BEST FRIEND. YOU KNEW THAT I WAS GOING TO GET BACK WITH HIM. YET YOU STILL GO AHEAD AND SLEEP WITH HIM!? WHAT KIND OF "BEST FRIEND DOES THAT!?" Zenistu was raising his voice even louder than Tanjiro.

giyyu hears and runs over to them. "What's going on over here- Zenistu? What are you-" Zenistu cuts tomioka off "shut up giyyu stay out of this." " DONT TELL HIM TO SHUT UP ZENISTU. YOU CAN YELL AT ME SAY ANYTHING TO ME BUT DO NOT YELL AT HIM HE DIDNT DO SHIT."

Giyyu looked at Tanjiro in surprise... He was standing up for him! It's made giyyu feel happy inside.. " OH SO WHAT IS GIYYU UR LITTLE BITCH BOY OR WHAT?"

Giyyu told zenitsu to get out of his house but he wouldn't. So giyyu called Uzui to come and get him but before you know it.. they were swinging at eachother.

Zenistu uppercuts Tanjiro in the jaw,Tanjiro grabs him by the hair and puts his face in the ground, Zenistu kicks Tanjiro's head making him let go, Tanjiro punches Zenistus in the mouth making his mouth bleed.

Finally Uzui shows up and holds Zenistu back as tomioka holds Tanjiro back. "STOP UR GOING TO KILL EACHOTHER" Uzui yells at them both for fighting. "Exactly, you guys are acting like children!"tomioka spoke with sounding furious in his voice.

"Please can you guys just make up.." Uzui asked Zenistu and Tanjiro. "Well maybe if he didn't sleep with MY boyfriend. We wouldn't be fighting.". Tanjiro looked at Zenistu with tears in his eyes. "I'm so sorry.." his voice Shakey and full of sorrow.

"What...? Zenistu said in confusion. Did he really just apologize? "IM SORRY! I shouldn't have slept with ur boyfriend. I know I messed up bad. I know... You have every reason to hate me...but please ...please know that I'm truly sorry.." Tanjiro spoke to Zenistu crying. You can hear in his. Voice that he ment it.

"It's fine.. " Zenistu said. "REALLY!!??" Tanjiro said with surprise, "yea.. I know you didn't do it on purpose..". Uzui let's Zenistu go and giyyu let's Tanjiro free from his grasp as well. Tanjiro and zenitsu give each other a big hug. And it becomes a happy ending...or was it?


END OF THIS STORYYYY~ Also scroll down there is a surprise!!

Almost there!!!

Little moreee!!!!

Not the end bitches! Still more coming! Byeee

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