Black Out

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I lay there in the hospital,  i was finally in the hospital. My clothes were dirty, my jeans were ripped and my knees and elbows were bloody. I opened my eyes and looked up it was at night, i have no idea what time it was. I got this sick feeling in my stomach. I see Ally holding a knife in her hand, it was bloody i stand up slowly with out making a sound. I see Drews body layed out  dead on the floor. 

I ran up and grabbed a knife from Ally's hand. 

"Fuck!... Ally Are you Crazy!....." 

Ally Turned around and diden't say anything she started panting and she gave me a big hug she was crying with blood all over her blue North Face sweat shirt, making it turn purple. The Knife was in my hand. 

"I wanted to make sure he" she said in my ear whimpering. i hugged her tightly 

"Ally its gonna be ok.. we can get through this." i said making a point clearly. 


"ALLY! calm Down!....Do you know whats going on!!..." i griped her shoulders. 

She put her hands on her face and she started pacing

"This is a big deal Jo!.... someones out to get us... it seems like its everyone!.." said Ally Frustrated. 

"What about Drew!... Why did you do that!"   I said mad. 

"No ones going to know! i killed the doctors..

"You What!...... That was our only survival!  i said my cheecks were red and i kicked the wall of the hospital. 

"i know i know... im sorry youll see why.. they were feeding us illegal stuff don't trust what the government has giving you!.." 

"Drew was part of the government.. as soon as he took that stupid pill he's been acting all strange.i had to kill him...somethings up man."

I looked at Ally really shocked... i couldent say anything else.. i thought in my mind i need to trust her shes my best freind.  What if she kills me?! i diden't know what to think. 

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