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"Bloody hell!" The only words San said to himself right now. His brother requested to see him. The crowned prince. The powerful one.

San stopped outside his brother's door and cheeks his night like hair in the mirror before he knocks.

"Enter," a voice spoke and San entered to see his brother, sitting there, feet up on the table, he looked hot as always, his yin and yang hair and his stormy cold eyes looked up slightly to see San.

"You took your time," hissed the prince and San kept his gaze on him.

"I took as long as I needed to Taeyong," spoke San. A cool shiver was in his voice.

"Watch your tongue!" snapped Taeyong as he slammed his hand to the table.

San remained calm, his gaze on him as he Taeyong again. "I don't know if you have heard, but my omega, the one I chose at the ceremony? You know, the oreo haired one?"

San nods. Dammit that omega was stunning, an angle that descended from heaven. But of course it was Mr. Prince that had him. He bragged about it for the rest of the night.

"Well," Taeyong started. "He escaped, ran away. The guards were helping him!" Taeyongs eyes went blood red. "I killed them on the spot, they deserve no mercy. But I want my omega back as soon as I can!"

"Get to the point!" snapped San as he did not want to be here any longer.

"I want you to find him and bring him home," Taeyong glanced at him. "I want you on this mission, and bring him to me!"

"Alive or dead?" San spoke like ice.

"Alive!" Taeyong snapped. "Leave tonight you asshole and don't come back until you find him!"

San smirked and turned around, he was about to leave.

"I don't accept failure," Taeyong spoke coldly. "Baby brother," and San shut the door behind him.

"Bitch!" San hissed as he made his way to the exit of the castle.

San hated the royals, especially his brother who was next in line and he would use that omega to his own desire. But San knew if he did not find him, he would be murdered.

He made his way to the entrance of the place and of the royal boundaries. His mother was there and he said his final goodbyes.

"Love you mum, stay safe and tell dad I'll be away for a while," San smiles and shifts into his wolf. A beautiful midnight wolf stood before his mother, she smiled at him as San ran off.

"Stay safe Sannie!"

San couldn't stop smiling for the first hour, forgetting his mission, he stopped and thought his final thought before falling into a dreamless sleep.

I will find you omega.

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