Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - Meat


"Paul, can't you see we're in the middle of staring contest here?" Taylor said playfully.

"Oh, go on... don't mind us T.K" Paul baited.

This is annoying, I need to go now, but something is stopping me. While I watch them talking to one another I remembered something that I should ask King. Should I ask her now? Hell yes, I'm dying to know.

"Hey, Taylor..." I mutter enough for the three of them to hear.

" Yes, Al?" come on, is your voice always sexy? Enough Audrey focus of that, your question first.

"Did you gone through a Sex change?" because I want to know!

A silence filled the hallways for the four of us. They're shocked, leaving their mouth open.shit, do I offend her or him?

And a burst of laughter exploded, my face turns red and feel warm because of embarrassment, shish why would I asked that! Should've asked her if she has a twin brother! How long will they laugh?

Taylor shook her head in disbelief of what she hears. Still laughing, Paul is catching his breath and so did Dean. I Should go, right? To escape this awkward scene?

"Where the fuck did you get that idea?!..ha-hahahaha..ha-ha...ha! You are hilarious! Hahaha, didn't know you're a good joke? A." Said Paul. I am now beyond embarrassed.

"Answer me..." I said to Taylor sternly.

"Oh god, ha-ha.," she runs her fingers thru her hair and bat an eye to me, biting her lips keeping her not to laugh anymore. When will she stop doing that enticing gesture? Guys?! Anyone? Help?

Dean raises his index finger having an idea on where did I get that dumb question" oh, you thought that T.K here is a boy when were kids, right?"

"Yes! And duh.. She just looks like the two of you when we're little." I argued while animating my hands. "Whatever..." rolling my eye's.

"So naive, Al... so naive," Taylor said gleefully and doing her mannerism. wait I remember that ear-lobe rubbing habit she always does.

She looked at these two Easton magic mike I mean Paul and Dean mischievously, I don't what to know what will happen next.

"Let us go get our lunch Bruv." Dean offers to Taylor and Paul, who respond, leaving me alone.

"Finally found my meat..." meat? What meat?! I heard Taylor say with excitement all over her aura before vanishing to the crowded hallway.

Slumping over the popular table in the cafeteria, gaining a pitying look from my circle of friends. I don't want to talk about it but...

"What happened A? Did someo-" I halt Olivia with my hands.

"Oh, okay." said Olivia.

"Meat, meat, meat... what the hell is meat?!" I burble to myself.

"What? You want meat for your lunch babe?" asked Blake, who I did not notice at all, he scooch beside me and gave me a peck on my cheeks.

"That king is totally getting a lot of attention," said Nate, making me look to where he is looking, and there she is, having a joyful conversation with Paul, Dean and Sara?!. Am I the only one who thought T.K is a boy when we're 2nd grader?. Sigh, T.k is right in too naive.

"You're in the same class with her, right A?" asked Nate.

"Yes and no I won't be your wingman..."

All this time I thought a He stole my first kiss, who is now have returned, making it worst it is a She. Drifting away from my friends who is discussing nonsense topics and latest gossip including T.K., I take a peek to the so-called 2nd popular table where T.K is sitting with the school magic mike's and the S.G.O president, where did they go? Oh well.

I reach my Juice box looking at my friends like there is something is going on behind me when suddenly someone snatches my juice box away from my hand. I was about to look who the hell stole my juice box when someone leans into the side of my face, to my shock it was T.K., not looking at her directly, my heart is in marathon right now. Shit, calm yourself, Audrey! I shut my eyes off anticipating a bad thing might happen.

"Don't worry, no one will know I stole the school Queen's first kiss." she whispered and chuckled, my body is starting to feel hot right now, what kind of sorcery is this! Good heavens, I can't breathe, that seductive voice is more threatening than knowing that she still remembers what she did back then.

"A? are you alright?" Maddie asked me worried.

Letting a loud Sigh and started to look for my juice box. "where is my juice box?"

"The vixen stole your juice box remember?" Olivia reminded me as she points out, I watch Taylor taking a sip from my favorite strawberry juice. Bye, juice. Taylor looked at my direction giving me a wink before exiting. making me Sigh again. how many times do I have to sigh today? Sigh.

"Did not know you two are close?" Blake said curiously.

I told them about my childhood with Taylor King, on how we became Friends, What she does back then, What she looked like, Dressing up like a boy, On how she always plays tricks on someone whom she finds interesting, On how bullies deal with her, And how teacher's gathered their patience when it comes to her, Basically how I've become friends with a Jester and of course not telling them the fact that she kissed me.

"In that case, you think Taylor find you interesting?" Maddie concluded.

"What? Me? No..." or was I?

"Then, what does she whispered to you earlier?" Curious Oli asked.

Yeah, what does she said to me earlier? Oh no. The word Meat keeps on rewinding over and over my mind. Zoning out of the thought I snap back to them.

"Meat." I said.

"Meat? What meat?" Said Nate, all of them wearing a puzzled faces.

Getting even with King (GxG) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now