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Clara had to play her cards right. Zima didn't trust her and had a gun pointed at her.

Madam wanted her dead and had a gun pointed at her.

"I will be..." Clara said.

Madam walked towards her and lowered her gun. "Not if you're dead..." Clara backed up.

"How do you intend to kill me..." Clara said as she saw the chair.

"Zima..." madam said as she looked at her soldier.

Zima looked at Madam. "Are you ready to comply..."

"Yes." Zima said. Madam pointed at Clara.

"Kill her..."

Clara's eyes widened. Zimas eyes were dark. The blonde ran away from the assassin. Zima quickly caught up to her and slammed her to the ground. Clara cried out, but she returned a shock to her neck.

"You should've killed me when you had the chance..." Clara yelled. Zima growled at her. "N-NO!"

Clara kicked her off of her. She started to run but Zima grabbed her ankle and brought her back to the ground.

Clara was done.

She got lifted up by her neck. She got slammed into the wall. Clara looked at Zima weakly.

"I-I won't fight you." Clara said quietly.

"Why!?" Zima yelled. The poor girls eyes didn't understand.

"C-cause..." Clara winced. "I care for you..." she reached and pressed the button on her mask causing it to fall.

"Your name... is Natasha Barnes-Wilson. The daughter of Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes." Zima shook her head and dropped Clara to the floor.

"Shut up!" She pointed her gun at her.

Clara stood up weakly. She suddenly saw madam pointing her gun at Zima. "No-"

Clara pushed her down and took the shot. Clara stumbled and hit the floor. Zimas eyes grew wide.

"Zima... get rid of her body." The assassin stared at the blonde who was lying on the ground, not moving. She knelt beside her and turned her onto her back. Clara looked at her weakly.

"Y-you're crying..." Clara said as Zima carefully pulled her close. "No... no no no..." Zima said as tears went down her face.

"I didn't mean-"

Clara chuckled weakly and nodded. "I know..." she held her cheek. Zima closed her eyes.

"Zima! What did I tell you...!?" Madam yelled.
Madam kept yelling at Zima. The assassin continued to tear up, her mind was screaming at her to remember this girl. The assassin snapped back to reality when she saw madam about to shoot Clara again.

"No!" She slapped the gun away from her.

"Oh!?" Madam got into her agents face. "Guards!" They came over.

"Put her in the chair. Leave the blonde there to die and listen to her captain cry out in agony." Madam said.

The guards dragged her over. Zima tried to pull from them. "No! She needs help! Let me GO!" She yelled as she got restrained in the chair.

Madam lowered the contraption over her head. And turned the machine on. Natasha screamed as the shock rushed through her head.

Clara heard her. She winced as she saw the gun on the floor besides her. The blonde pulled herself up. Her body screaming at her to stay down.

She couldn't.

She grabbed the gun and aimed for the machine. She shot it, and it exploded. But it was still hurting Zima.

Madam frowned she backed up. "Let's go."
She said to her guards as she left shock on. Natasha continued to scream as the building started to catch fire.

Clara cringed as she got up, running over to Zima. She turned the machine off. "Natasha!"
She pulled the contraption off of her head.

Zima just laid there not moving. "Hey! Hey!" Clara said as she felt herself growing weaker. "Come wake up, please!" Zima opened her eyes slightly.

"R-run..." Zima said giving up.

"No! Hell no! You're coming home with us! You hear me Natasha! We are not doing this... this again." Clara struggled to stand.

"Please." She coughed as more of the fire filled the room.

Zima pulled herself up. The two of them were badly injured. Zimas injuries were coming back to bite her, Clara's injuries were not helping.

The two limped through the fire, trying to get to the hallway where Steve and Bucky were starting to wake up.

Clara turned on her communicator. "I-I need a rescue. I have four injured." She said as the building shook, causing her and zima to fall apart.

Zima fell and went to get Clara. Steve saw them. "Guys run!"'he said as he helped Bucky up. "The roof is collapsing!" He yelled.

Zima jumped over the debris and went to Clara as debris from the ceiling fell. Steve's eyes widened. He threw the shield.


Zima saw. She caught it, and immediately shielded Clara as pieces of the roof fell on them. Steve's eyes widened. "Anthony! We need a rescue now! Clara and Natasha are stuck under the fire."

Zima stood strong holding the shield over Clara. Clara came to, but coughed hard due to the smoke in her lungs. She looked and saw Zima holding her debris off of her.

"You... you should have gone." Clara said.

"I'm not leaving you here Clara.."

Clara's eyes widened. She saw Natasha. "Natasha...."

"H-hey..." Natasha said with a weak smile. Her arms were shaking As the weight she was holding off of them was getting too heavy. She groaned in pain as she kept it up.

Clara attempted to help but coughed up blood as she fell to the floor. She pressed her communicator. "G-guys... we need help."

"I'm coming!" Kylo yelled.

Kylo turned into plague as he got to the entrance of the fire. He was hesitant... but they needed him.

He rushed through, searching through the fire.

Natasha looked at Clara. "Clara?" Clara wasn't responding.

Natasha had to get out. She cried out as she started to push the chunk of the roof off of them.

Kylo heard this and saw Natasha lifting the roof off her them. He ran over and pushed the roof off of them. Natasha grabbed Clara and ran down the hallway with Kylo.

He looked at her. "It's nice seeing you nat."

"It's.. nice being a bit concious."

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