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Y/n made her way into the Great Hall to see Benjamin sitting at the table, he was staring at his plate when he saw Y/n. She rolled her eyes and turned around, leaving the hall. "Y/n!" said Benjamin getting up and going after her. "Y/n!"

"Leave me alone, Benjamin." said Y/n walking the hall. Benjamin grabbed her, narrowing his eyebrow.

"Will you listen?!" shouted Benjamin. Y/n pushed him off her, narrowing her eyebrows. "For fuck sakes, Y/n!"

"If i'm so bloody hard to deal with, leave!" said Y/n taking the ring off her finger. Benjamin made a face, grabbing his wrist and pulling her into a classroom.

"Put the bloody ring back on your finger. I'm not leaving and neither are you!" said Benjamin. Y/n made a face, staring at him. "Put back on!"

"Why do you think i'm cheating on you!" asked Y/n. Benjamin sighed, sitting on a chair. "I'm always with you! Most of my day is literally spent with you!"

"I know, i'm sorry." said Benjamin.

"Benjamin, you keep saying sorry for the same thing. You're not sorry." said Y/n crossing her arms. Benjamin placed his hands on her hip, pulling her into him.

"I am sorry, Y/n. I just— I don't want to lose you. I just worry, you know this." said Benjamin. Y/n rolled her eyes. "I'm serious."

"Whatever." said Y/n. Benjamin frowned looking at her.

"Y/n, c'mon. You know I love you." said Benjamin softly.

"You're only seventeen, what do you know about love." said Y/n moving his arms off her.

"I know I love you." said Benjamin. Y/n looked at him as he smiled softly. "I know you love me too."

"I do." said Y/n softly. Benjamin smiled, pulling her into a kiss. Y/n placed her hand softly in his curls, pulling back. "What is in your hair?"

"Don't get me started, Daniel, Ivy and I got covered in ink." said Benjamin. Y/n snorted. "It's not funny."

"It's pretty funny." said Y/n. Benjamin shook his head, looking at her.

"I never get your humor." said Benjamin. Y/n rolled her eyes, pulling him up from the chair.

"Let's get breakfast." said Y/n. Benjamin wrapped his arm around her, looking down at her. The rest of the day during lessons, Y/n was trying her hardest not to fall asleep.

"Why don't you go sleep?" asked Miles. "I'll bring you some food later."

"Im fine." yawned Y/n.

"Pretty sure you've been awake for more than twenty four hours now, Y/n." said Adrian. She shrugged, looking down at her book. The boys glanced at each other, shrugging.

"Alright, you all are dismissed." said Professor Lupin. Y/n got up, grabbing her things.

"Why didn't you sleep earlier?" asked Graham.

"Couldn't." said Y/n.

"Oh?" said Graham.

"You and Benjamin better?" asked Adrian. Miles turned to look at Y/n. She nodded, shrugging. "What does that mean?"

"Means we'll be fine." said Y/n. They entered the Great Hall, Benjamin was talking to Daniel, Ivy and Adelaide.

"Hello girlfriend." said Benjamin. Adelaide turned to Ivy, then back towards Benjamin.

"Hello." said Y/n taking a seat next to him.

"So, Pucey." said Daniel smirking. "I heard from a little birdie, you're seeing Lorelei Goldstein."

Pinky Promise (Y/nMalfoy X Fred Weasley)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن