Chapter 36

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Y/n's pov,

We went home and went to our room and then I went inside washroom and after getting fresh I went out and laid on the bed and after sometime Taehyung also came and laid beside me..after sometime I turned to the left side  but I felt two hands around my waist  and it's none other than

I also leaned and pulled his hand closer and wrapped my hands on his and slept and Taehyung kissed my forheead and we both slept....


After few days..

Authors' pov .

Feeling light hitting her beautiful face y/n got up and was about to go washroom but got stopped by a strong arms..and when she turned she saw Taehyung sleeping like a baby while hugging her..seeing him sleeping like a baby smile formed on her lips and she kissed his forheead and removed his hands from her waist gently and went In Washroom....

After coming out wearing her office attrie she  started to make Taehyung up and after sometime he also got up and she went down....

After sometime having their breakfast they made their way to their companies..

Taehyung: y/n I am telling should stay at

Y/n:- don't worry tae I'll take my leave on my 5th month

Taehyung sighed knowing that he defeated infront of her

Y/n: I forgot to tell mom and dad will come..

Taehyung: your?

Y/n: nah....yours

Taehyung: then we should have taken leaves from company

Y/n: I also thought the same but then only mom messaged me they'll come at 10pm...and till then will come na so that's why..

Taehyung: then it's better to go if they are coming at 10pm...

Y/n just hummed....

Time skip:....

Y/n's pov,

Here I am working In my cabin and then only someone knocked on my door

Y/n: come In
( Cold voice)

Lisa: it's Mee

Y/n: oh... how come you here?

Lisa: just wanted to meet with you..and yes I am angry with you..
(She said changing her voice from sweet to angry..)

I gave her confused look

Y/n: and why so ?

Lisa: cause you didn't bothered to tell your friends that you are pregnant...

Y/n: oh my lisa..mah baby I just know na I have works

Lisa: as if I don't

I gulped and again tired to make her happy....

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