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Casper Graves has always been a cautious person, ever since he's been seeing things that others couldn't quite grasp, a clarity of vision that bordered on the supernatural. He was able to see through the illusions that others took for reality—and yet... he didn't know why.

It wasn't always easy, being able to see through the veil that shrouded the world in smoke. Sometimes it was a burden, a weight that he carried with him wherever he went.

He saw the darkness that lurked in the hearts of men, the shadows that whispered secrets and lies. He witnessed occurrences that questioned the laws of realism—occurrences that made him question his own sanity.

Alas, his parents were worried. They took him to therapists, child psychologists. They all thought he had a wild imagination, maybe they mistook it as schizophrenia at some point, though his parents were against him going to a mental hospital at such a young age.

But there was a beauty in his sight too. A beauty that few could comprehend. He saw the light that shone in the world, the glimmer of hope that flickered in even the darkest of places. He saw the poetry in the everyday, the magic in the mundane.

Casper's view on life was a sense of wonder, a sense of awe that few could match or understand in the bigger picture.

He saw the world as a work of art, a masterpiece that was constantly in motion.

He saw the way that the wind danced through the trees like children playing in the summer breeze, the way that the stars twinkled in the night sky—constellations that looked like streaks of paint across a bleak canvas. He saw the way that love and kindness could transform and heal even the most broken of souls.

But there was always a sense of danger, a sense of foreboding that lingered at the edges of his vision.

He knew the world was changing, that darkness was encroaching upon the light.

He knew things were stirring uncomfortably, more events that people couldn't explain happening.

Casper knew that he was different—that he saw things that others didn't. He knew he had a gift, a curse, that set him apart from the rest of humanity.

Yet he was confused, scared, in a way. Why could he see these entities—these otherworldly beings? 

Why couldn't others? 

Were, there others like him?

Others that were clear-sighted?

Little did he know, fate had already spun a dangerous adventure that would answer his questions, and introduce him to a world hidden inside of his.

The following events would lead him to the doorstep of the new modern-day Hercules—

To a boy, named Perseus Jackson. 




hello ! jupiter here :D

i just wanted to say thank you if you are reading this book, i've been planning to write and publish this for awhile now—but i forgot about it a couple weeks ago...

and... a comment reminded me that i need to continue it. so thanks to that wonderful, beautiful, awesome, amazing person 🤩

btw, a fun fact about the title:  europeans made up that the gem was symbol of hope, purity, and truth—and that opal is considered an october birthstone

idk the concept was kinda based on my character so i thought i would name it that as a minor detail 

anyways, ciao ! see y'all in later chapters >3<

𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒. pjWhere stories live. Discover now