CHAPTER 24: Leaving For Our Internships

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{Ellie Todoroki}

Today was the day that all of us were leaving for our internships.

"Everyone has their costumes right, remember you do not have permission to wear them out in public yet. And do not lose them or anything" Mr Aizawa said.

"Gotcha!" Mina squealed.

"Speak properly. Its yes sir, Ashido" he said, really annoyed.

"Yes sir" she sighed.

"Make sure that you mind your manners with the other heroes during your internships, now get to it" Mr Aizawa said, dismissing everyone.

"Yes sir" we said as all of us were heading towards the trains that we needed to board when I heard Kirishima called out my name.

"Ellie, wait up!" he said, running up to me to try and catch up.

I stopped and turned around to look at him.

"Be careful out there, Ellie. Please. I can't lose you since we just started dating but stay alive, please" Kirishima said.

I nodded my head as I pulled into a hug, causing his face to heat up.

"I will see you in a week Eijiro, stay safe" I said as I pulled back and walking away.

"Are you ready to go Todoroki?" Tokoyami asked.

I nodded my head and the two of us were heading towards the train to Kyushu.


Me and Tokoyami were walking towards my dad and Hawks' hero agency in silence.

"While we are here, let's get changed into our hero costumes and meet back here before I'll introduce you to Hawks and my dad" I said. "Ok" Tokoyami said.

The two of us headed into a room to get changed. I opened the case for my hero costume and took my uniform off to put my hero costume on. Once I put that on, I just put my hair into a ponytail before I head out.

I saw Tokoyami standing there in his hero costume, waiting for me.

"Are you ready to meet my dad and Hawks?" I asked.

"I am, lead the way" he said.

I'm leading him to the nearest elevator and the two of us were riding all the way up to the top floor. I am leading him down the hallway and right in front of two big wooden doors.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in" somebody said.

"Hey little mouse, I've been expecting you" my dad said.

"Hey little birdie, who's your friend that I've been expecting?" Keigo said.

"Hey dad, uncle Hawks. He's one of my friends from the hero course..." I started to say.

"My name is Fumikage Tokoyami and my hero name is Jet Black Hero: Tsukuyomi, it's nice to met you sir" he said as he bowed a little.

"It's nice to meet another friend of the little birdie, shall we go on patrol so that he can know the area?" Keigo said.

"Yeah, let's go" my dad said.

"Ok" I said.


After a few hours of patrol so that Tokoyami knows the area, we were going to have some training.

After three rounds of training sessions, me and Tokoyami are having a break. 

"Why did you say that Hawks was your uncle?" Tokoyami asked.

"Yeah, my mom, dad and Hawks were best friends growing up. After my mom had me, the two of them asked him to be a godparent to me and he said yeah. So that's why I call him uncle Hawks" I said as he nodded.

"What happened to your mother? Will I be able to meet her?" he asked.

"You can't cause she died when I was five months old" I said, looking really sad while looking at the floor.

"Do you remember what she looked like? Or know what quirk she has?" he questioned.

"No, I don't cause I haven't grew up that much to find out" I said.

"Sorry about your mother. I bet you she is looking down to see a young hero you've become" Tokoyami said, trying to cheer me up while he put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"Thanks Tokoyami" I said as I smiled a little.

After a little bit, me and Tokoyami went into separate rooms. I grabbed some pj's and then I am heading to the shower. 'I wonder how Kirishima is doing?' I thought to myself.

{Eijiro Kirishima}

Finally, I have arrived at Fourth Kind's agency for my internship. Then I recognize somebody to applied to come here too. "Tetsutetsu, it has been a while!" I said. "Yeah, I agree bro!" Tetsutetsu said.

Suddenly, Fourth Kind came in and berated the two of us. "Why aren't you in my office so hurry up!" Fourth Kind said to us. "Yes, sir!" the two of us said.

This is going to be hell...

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