Naked For Gabel

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 Before dinner I was accosted by an older woman I hadn't met yet. Her name was Violet, and she instantly struck me as a submissive wolf. One with lower rank. She insisted that Alpha

Gabel had sent for her to "help" make sure I was ready for dinner.

Helping meant doing my hair and make-up. Because Alpha Gabel wanted his might-be-future-Queen to be pretty for dinner. Normally I wouldn't have minded help with my hair or makeup. I had never figured out how to look "nice" without also looking over-done. But Gabel deciding I needed that help and fetching someone from his little kingdom pissed me off.


I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of arguing with him and making a big stink over this. I'd go along with this for now.

There were about thirty people at dinner, split between two long tables. The dining room was quite festive and brightly lit. Gabel sat at the head of one table, and I had to sit at his left hand, across from his First Beta, Hix. Hix had dusky skin, dark eyes and smooth, dark hair like a raven's wing. He spoke with an interesting accent. I later learned he was Turkish, and when his pack had drive him out for disagreeing with their Alpha, he had come to the US and been one of Gabel's first recruits. He was unquestionably loyal to Gabel, a skilled leader and a brutal warrior.

It was easy to see him defying his Alpha. He probably could have been an Alpha. But he liked being First Beta to an Alpha like Gabel.

He made me a little uncomfortable. Hix sized me up like I was prey.

"Have you met Gianna?" Gabel asked Hix.

"Just now."

"What do you think?"

I gave Gabel dirty look. I wasn't a new car or a new pet or painting! It didn't matter what the Beta thought of me. Gabel just enjoyed prodding me.

I should stop being surprised at all the little cruel barbs.

Hix looked at me and I was pretty sure he could have lunged across that table and split me into two pieces. "A very fine selection, Alpha," he told Gabel. "A Seer with spirit. She would make strong pups."

I turned red in anger and mortification, which Hix smelled and he just smiled at me. Strong pups!

Gabel grinned at his Beta and clapped Hix on the shoulder.

I wanted to kill both of them. Not that I could have. They would have laughed at me when I tried. They'd probably have liked it if I tried.

Gabel stood up. Dinner conversation and eating stopped. All attention turned to him. I tried not to shrivel. Hix just watched me with a little grin.

"Wolves of Iron Moon," Gabel told the room, "As you now know, Alpha Jermain of Shadowless agreed to our terms."


More like Alpha Jermain dropped to his knees and offered up all his she-wolves for Gabel to choose from. When I thought of it that way, bitterness and contempt filled me. I wouldn't have wanted to go back to Shadowless even if Gabel offered to drive me himself.

"And," he gestured to me. "While Shadowless had little to offer us, they did have a fine selection of she-wolves, including a treasure I could not possibly leave without." He twitched his fingers at me.

I dug up a smile and got to my feet. Gabel took my hand. It sent shocks through my body and stabbed into the bruise on my neck. I felt his teeth sink into my skin again. I looked at him to make sure he hadn't bitten me (and I hadn't realized it) and he gave me the same sort of shocked look.

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