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June 22nd, 10:52 A.M. — 1 day prior

Lorelei woke up before her parents. She pulled on a nice pair of trousers, along with a cozy cardigan to warm her throughout the day. As Lorelei stepped out of her two-story house, Theo greeted her with a kiss. 

"Why didn't you come by yesterday? I missed you. "Lorelei sighed as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I tried, but your mother told me that you went to bed early." Theo replied, studying her features. "Sorry, I was so tired..." "It's okay, I'm not mad." Theo spoke, placing a hand underneath her chin, tilting it to make her look at him.

 "Okay." Lorelei murmured, standing on her tiptoes to give him another kiss. "We better get going; wouldn't want to upset good ol' Steve." Theo grumbled as he made his way towards the dirt path. Lorelei sped up to catch up to him, "That's not a very nice thing to say about your father." 

"Oh, who cares?" Theo shot back, "Why are you arguing with me? Out of all the people I thought you would understand, since y'know, the whole, "The Fathers are here to destroy us, oh nooo.""

 Lorelei felt her eyes stinging with tears, as she glared at him. "Okay. Well, we're here now, so you can say whatever critical things about your father to his face." Smirking, Theo replied, "Will do, madame."

"Ah! If it isn't my favourite daughter-in-law!" Stephen welcomed them from the kitchen table. "And my, um, son." Lorelei smiled at Stephen as she took her place at the table, as Theo diverted his gaze. 

"Come on now, Theodore. Take a seat by your old man; show some r-e-s-p-e-c-t." Stephen spelled out. "Dad, you know I would rather be called Theo." Stephen laughed. "Ha! Funny! Like your opinion matters. Your mother named you, so you will stay with it." 

He swirled red wine around in his glass, eyes getting foggy and red, "Y'know, you gotta carry on her legacy. You should... yeah, carry... legacy." Lorelei shared a concerned look with Theo; it was barely noon, and he was already drunk. "This will be fun." Lorelei thought.  

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