Battle scars

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Concern etched across her face, Catherine gently touched Happy Frog's damaged parts. "You've taken quite a beating back there. We need to find a place to repair and maybe even upgrade you. You need it."

Happy Frog's animatronic eyes flickered with appreciation. "Your concern is appreciated, Catherine. I'll guide you to the maintenance room. There, we can assess the damage and make the necessary repairs."

Together, they navigated through the silent corridors, Happy Frog guiding Catherine to the forgotten maintenance room. Dust-covered tools and more spare parts lay scattered across workbenches, a testament to a time when animatronics were maintained with care.

With Happy Frog on the repair table, Catherine carefully examined the damaged areas. The task required a delicate touch and a keen understanding of animatronic mechanics. As she worked, Happy Frog shared insights into their design and the upgrades that would enhance their capabilities.

As the repairs progressed, Catherine found herself drawn into the intricate world of animatronics. Happy Frog's presence transcended the confines of programmed responses, becoming a companion in this haunting journey.

After meticulous repairs and enhancements, Happy Frog's animatronic form gleamed with a renewed vitality. Upgraded sound sensors, reinforced servos, and a polished exterior marked the transformation. The animatronic's eyes glowed with appreciation.

"Thank you, Catherine. I feel rejuvenated," Happy Frog expressed with a genuine warmth in their voice.

With repairs complete and a newfound alliance solidified, Catherine and Happy Frog were ready to resume their quest. The echoes of the puppet lingered, but now, with enhanced capabilities and a shared purpose, they pressed forward, ready to confront the other nightmares that awaited them in the depths of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

Whispers of a Silent Dream (FNAF) (Sequel)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang