Chapter 9

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"She... killed me on purpose?" White queried, her eyes growing wide.

"Yeah, I think that's what that means," Pink replied.

"Then, how did I survive...?" White looked down.

She saw white bandages covering her stomach while her suit had been ripped over it.

"And what's this...?" White reached the bandages trying to take them off but noticed it had been stained with blood and she had winced in pain.

"That's not important," Pink was dodging the question.

"What?! Pink, I need to know how I was raised from the dead," White insisted.

"Yeah! You dodged my question like that earlier when you told me I could come in," Cyan's face scrunched up. "So how is she alive?"

Pink just sighed and left from beside the bed. He started messing with the test tubes on the other side of the room.

Pink pulled out a test tube with clear liquid inside... and left the room.


After a few awkward minutes later, Pink came back with the same test tube, but it had red liquid inside of it.

"Cyan, could you stand about three feet in front of me please?" Pink asked politely.

"Sure, I guess..." Cyan was growing suspicious. He wondered why Pink had the test tube. Was he explaining how he had fixed White?

"Now stand still," Pink looked at White. "You can close your eyes if you want..."

Why would White want to close her eyes?

Pink quickly snagged a large knife out of his back pocket.

"Wha-" Cyan couldn't even get a word out before...

White understood now.

She brought her knees up to her face and covered her eyes while she plugged her ears with her hands.

She could still hear it.

She could feel the uncomfortable sensation of skin being ripped apart.

She could feel blood spattering on the walls and on her sheets.

Why was she feeling this?

Was it flashbacks from when Black killed her?

White opened her eyes slightly.

She saw Pink looking at Cyan's gaping wound.

A puddle of blood surrounded Cyan and Pink was covered in it. The walls had little droplets of blood everywhere.

White's eyes widened as more blood began to pour out of Cyan's face as Pink ripped the knife out of his eye.

Pink looked emotionless.

He'd just murdered someone.

Then he looked at White, her eyes wide with shock.

"Now, watch closely White," he said.

Pink took the test tube and began to pour all the liquid inside of Cyan's face injury.

The more he poured in, the more blood came off the walls and started floating in midair.

They were drifting ever-so-slowly to Cyan's wound.

The puddle of blood had gotten smaller by the second.

Blood everywhere was drifting closer to Cyan. Like it was weightless.

White watched as the blood fell into his face and the muscles and skin grew just like before.

Pink looked back at White with a smile.

"Pretty cool, right?"

Author's note: the speed at which I would eject this man is astonishing ✋

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