On the run

7 1 0

April 1st 2024

My footsteps patter against the mushy ground. Every footstep I take, my shoe sinks two centimetres into the muddy ground. I carry a backpack in one hand my other clenched into a fist as I take steps through the forest. Every single noise I make is a chance to get caught.

It had been 10 years since the outbreak. I was first 4 when I heard the news of a new illness breaking out that apparently(still deadly to males but not as much females) had been most deadly to females. Two years later all females had been killed.

5 years later it had completely destroyed humanity. With no females. The Males went into panic. Vehicles, abandoned, city's bombed and destroyed. 7 years into the pandemic they had built new civilizations. Nature took over the abandoned city's and vehicles.(Like the last of us).

And while everyone thought there was no fems. Here I was. My brother raising me throughout the chaos. Protecting me from all the other lustful men. When I was 11(I'm 14 now) my brother died in the hands of a man. I'm not sure his name but he now knows my identity.

Hes sent different men after me, ines that believe him of course. And yet.. here I stand. Fine. Alone..but fine.

I'm 5,3, I'm tall and abnormally skinny for a girl my age. I long black hair that is currently tied back into a ponytail. I have pale skin which defines the prominent bags underneath my eyes. I have blue eyes with a spark in them that never seemed to die.

I was wearing dark green cargo pants and a black zip up sweater that seemed to be just too big for me. Underneath my sweater is a dark grey AC/DC shirt and underneath that is my black binder to conceal my chest.

In my pants pocket lays my gun, unused and I hope it stays that way

On my feet are old, dirty, converse that I never seem to fit in. On my back is a black back pack. Inside of it is some stuff I've gathered along the way.

A sleeping bag, a flashlight, some rope, extra clothes, first aid kit, a knife, a gun, a towel, some canned food, toiletries for when I have a chance to freshen up, some family heirlooms I've kept with me, and some extra bullets rolling around the bottom.

Yes I know, it's not a lot but it's what's kept me going for the past 3 years.

Currently I am in a forest. Not entirely sure where in the world I was.. literally and figuratively.

I lean against a tree catching my breath, I had just been chased by a few men. Maybe 3 or 4, I'm pretty sure they don't know who I was which is good but still worrying because I didn't know for sure.

I hear voices, not far off.. maybe a couple meters behind the tree that's been stopping me from getting shot.

"Come outttt, come on we know your there.. we just need to make sure your not a threat leading to a raid in our town then your good to go!"

A voice calls from behind me. The voice is ruff and scratchy. Sounding like he had been smoking since his birth.

I stop moving, hoping my stillness will scare them away.. alas, of course my luck just had to run out when the man comes round the tree and grins ay the sight of me.

"Hey boys come look at this! It's just some lonely teenager, and mason! It's your type as well."

Because of my tired appearance, he must've thought I was a male.

The man grins like a shark, teeth white and shiny, he's tall and has broad shoulders, maybe about 6,2, he looks to be in this mid 30s, he has a short beard and an off putting vibe to him.

Several come into view, three to be exact.

The first man looks older than the rest, with tired eyes and wrinkles on his forehead. He's taller than everyone, standing at about 6,5 maybe 6,6 he peers down at me and shakes his head. He glances at the other two beside him.

"Well mason, Tommy, boss put you two in charge, what should we do? And decide quickly.. I am getting rather bored.. and mason please make sure your brother does something reasonable.. you remember what happened last time.

The older man seems impatient. As he's gazing down at the oldest of the two. Maybe early 20s I'm assuming mason, he was fluffy hair that seems to end just above his shoulders. He has hazel eyes that sparkle with child like curiosity at the sight of me being pinned to the tree by the man.

Tommy, the younger one scowls at the tall mans words, Tommy has a fiery glare in his eyes, he's shorter than the rest. Still tall, standing at around 5,11. He looks maybe 16/17.

"Oh shut up! Boss left BOTH of us in charge, I'm aloud to put in my opinion."

Tommy pouts. Crossing his arms as he looks at the floor.

Mason sighs and pushes the man pinning me to the tree away.


He starts carefully, occasionally glancing at the oldest man for guidance.

"My names is mason.. that first idiot over there is Jeremy."

Mason says pointing to the man who had first caught me. I nod along, still not saying a word, mason seems a catch this and continues.

"That's my younger brother Tommy. The second idiot. And he's John.. our father."

The olde man nods as Tommy's scowl only seems to deepen.

"My name is.. lun- Luka! Yeah.. Luka.."

Mason nods again.

"Ok Luka.. can you tell me what you were doing on the border of our settlement."

I shake my head.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't know.."

Mason nods.

"It's alright.. I suppose..are you alone? You look a little young to be out. by yourself."

He adds suspiciously as he eyes me up and down.

I shift uncomfortably from foot to foot before shrugging.

"I've always been alone."

John tuts from his silent corner as he approaches me and puts a warm arm around me.

"We can't have that can we? Come on let's get you all cleaned up in Greenville and then we can discuss more later, Ok?"

I hesitate before nodding thankful that I hadn't been caught yet as a girl.

The older man smiles warmly and walks with me, still with an arm over me as we head towards the gate of the town. Mason, Tommy and Jeremy following us from behind.

This might not be all bad..

I think to my self as I head towards the gates that lead to the small town Greenville.

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