Winter Wishes

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Deets: Purinz - WC 4597 - Written by user @kzhazana at - [G]

Chaewon likes winter. Despite not being a fan of the cold weather (summer holds the top spot in her heart), she still liked how she gets to snuggle underneath her warm sheets, doing nothing and indulging in laziness brought on by the winter chill. That kind of feeling when her foot sinks into the pile of fluffy snow when she walks towards the convenience store nearby was the best. Chaewon likes winter. She likes every bit of it.


Chaewon's eyes snap open as she lies flat on her back, her brows furrowing in confusion as she wondered where that sound was coming from. She turns her head to the right side of the room, her eyes fixated on her window and-


Expressing emotions isn't Chaewon's strong suit, she admits. Fear, however, is something she excels at, earning her the title of biggest coward in her circle. She musters up the courage, carefully approaching her curtain, only peeking her eyes to see what's causing the disturbance. And there it goes again, another 'thunk.' She flinches, frozen in an awkward stance, hands covering her mouth to stifle a scream. It took seconds before Chaewon realized..

"Was that.. a snowball?"

She confidently opens up her window, brows furrowing in annoyance, determined to put an end to whoever is ruining her alone time on a good Friday evening. Before she knew it, a handful of fine, white snow struck her chest, some bits finding their way to her neck and face. She gasps at shock, clutching her right hand where she was hit. Chaewon looks down at her front yard, trying to get a glimpse of the person responsible for this mischief. She sees a figure lying on the snow, the identity obscured despite her squinting. The person bursts into laughter, whilst she rolls around in the thick pile of fluffy snow. It's almost enough for Chaewon to recognize who it is.

Huh Yunjin.

"God, grant me patience." Chaewon whispers, bracing herself for Yunjin's unpredictable antics.

"Chaewon! Is your front door open? I'm coming in!" Yunjin calls out, a mischievous grin on her face.

Rolling her eyes, Chaewon replies, "It's open. And take off your damn shoes!" She receives a thumbs up from the younger. Chaewon huffs, heading towards her closet to grab a towel to clean the mess Yunjin just made.

She's so fucking annoying.


And there she is, Huh Yunjin who pisses her off every single day without a fail. It's such a sweet nightmare to her.

"What the hell do you want? For god sake, it's 10 in the evening. Give me a break." Chaewon watches Yunjin, her gaze following her as she plops face-down onto her bed. Then there was a matter of silence. But it wasn't the awkward type of silence, though. It was somehow.. unknowingly comfortable and warm, much to Chaewon's surprise.

Yunjin chuckles onto the sheets, breaking the silence as she remembered how Chaewon's face looked earlier after she threw the snowball at her. She lays on her side with her right hand supporting her head as she meets eyes with Chaewon.

"I just wanted your attention."

"My what?"

"Your attention, Chaewon. Hangout with me."

Chaewon stares at her for a while. Yunjin stares back at her, with a sly smile etched on her lips. That goddamn smile that never fails to make her blood boil – to make her tremble in absolute annoyance. She wanted to wipe that smile off of her face, badly. Was she ever this annoying before? Chaewon lays down on her bean bag that Yunjin gifted her about six months ago on her birthday. She hums, closing her eyes with no intent of replying to Yunjin.

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