What Destiny Says...

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Alone shall five embark on this quest,

"To save humanity from a perilous onset,

Of something which is more dangerous than a hundred daggers to the heart,

Will they succeed in this conquest or fail from the start?"

He looked very happy and hugged me as soon as I said that he was not a loser. Maybe he was bullied a lot. Well, I was homeschooled, so I had not experienced contact with other kids. But I was sure that being bullied must feel bad. So, I hugged him back to comfort him. Moments later, he let go. 

"Hey, I didn't introduce myself yet, sorry. My name is Yvette Von Asleikr." I chuckled.

"Oh, nice name, Yvette." Xander, the boy who hugged me said.

"So, here's my younger sister, Odette Von Asleikr. She's one year-old and I'm five. What about you?" I said, gently pushing Odette in front of him, she had stopped crying.

"Oh, hey. You and I are the same age! I'm also five." he said, and kneeled down on one knee in front of Odette and stroked her cheek. "She's so cute."

Odette smiled warmly like the shy girl she was. I also smiled. But the happy feeling of getting a new friend suddenly dampened like cold water just got poured on top of it. I felt horrible... My mom and dad!

I looked around quickly, spraining my neck. I didn't care, I needed to find and say my last goodbyes to them before they left. There they were, bloody and miserable, in a corner. I ran up to them, Odette following me. Thankfully, they were still breathing.

"M-Mom, Dad! Please, w-wake up. I know you're still here..." my voice sounded distant to my own ears. It was like a tearful, stuttering whisper.

They opened their eyes slowly, and Mother smiled weakly, as she saw me. My father smiling, raised a trembling, cold and bloody hand and touched my cheek, and spoke, "Take care of your sister, Yvette... I see you've made a new friend, huh? Well, I won't be here for much longer. I only have these few seconds with you. And I want you to know your destiny..."

Mother said. "You are a very powerful mage from early childhood and so is your sister. You, Odette and that young boy must live, from now on, as interstellar travelers. You three shall put an eternal protection spell on Asleikr mansion and go to Everowski Forest. Someone shall guide you..."

As she said this, Father's hand fell off from my cheek and his body became lifeless. He left a bloody handprint on my face, and as I tearfully looked at him, I touched it, feeling horrible and bereaved. My mother looked at him too and closed her eyes, accepting her death. 

"Remember what I said, Yvette..." And like that, she also fell dead and lifeless, the last of her comforting voice fading away.

I got up, held Odette into my hands and walked up to Xander.

"So, you heard what she said, right Xander?" I spoke.

"I did. I'm sure my mom and dad knew about it, they used to discuss about that forest with each other, but you kind of killed them."

"Sorry, I just couldn't control my anger after seeing them kill my loved ones, so I shot them with lightning."

"That's what is so cool about you! Lightning. Never saw a mage having lightning powers, at least not in my family. Us Lewis' are known for fire powers." he said.

"Were. Your an orphan too, you know." I spoke.

"Uh, yeah."

Yvette and The Gem of SufferingWhere stories live. Discover now