Entry 53 - Dinners and Dates

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Bosk Farm, Mirkwood

The day has passed quickly, it seems. Early in the morning I went to see the departure of the Eastland II, as well as the other ships from the dock. It is the first they have sailed since the war. Though the Pegasus and the Fortune still have much that needs repair, it was good to see them depart once more... It is a sign of things returning to normal, and of trade beginning to flow once more.

Despite it all, it brought a sense of melancholy as I watched them leave the docks. I know that I accepted weeks past that my time aboard the Pegasus, and ships was done, if only for a time at least, yet I still miss it. I miss the feeling of the wind as it touched the sails, the sway of the wood beneath my feet as the water rocked the ship. I miss the work, the people... and I miss looking to the helm to see Upton there.

The close-knit family the crew created, and the way that every job had a purpose, it felt like a home for me. In my time making peace with the knowledge that my duty calls me elsewhere, I came to realize that perhaps it was for the best, as I will not learn more of the world in the same place... and that perhaps it was a good thing for me to leave the place I considered safe, lest I become too afraid to leave at all. If I became too settled there, I might never gain the confidence to venture from it.

None of that eases the fact that I miss being aboard, nor does it mean that I love my parents and siblings any less. Simply, I feel I have lost a home for now, and it is an ache.

Ache or no, I still watched the departure with joy. My brother is aboard the Pegasus, after all, and has taken to it as much as I had. He proved a hero in the war and it is good to see him happy and aboard once more. It is also not every day that a ship launches for the first time, as the Eastland II did.

Once each had left the docks, I went to see Atrin at the Bread & Butter, to purchase the last of the things I will need for my date with the Prince this afternoon. While there, I came upon Billy, who invited me to breakfast.

News came with the meal; his wife, Keltrix, is with child. I am happy for them both, Billy seems excited to be a father. They told me over dinner the day after I last wrote, I have simply been busy this week, ensuring all went as needed with preparations. I admit, it has made me think of my own future and that I would like a child myself. I suppose, if I am chosen by the Prince then one will follow shortly after we would be wed... A duty of a royal couple, though I would hope it would be seen as more than simple duty.

After we ate, I spoke with Billy privately to request his aid in pursuing Nokola. I did not doubt for a moment that he would help, though the news of his child made me reluctant to ask. I would not wish to put him in fatal danger and take him from Keltrix and his child.

Lord Blackwater had promised some of his troops once before to help me in this pursuit as well... though he has enough on his mind, and his men deserve a break after the war. In short, while it would be welcome, I would not blame him should the offer be withdrawn, or forgotten.

I have no idea as well when the pursuit will begin, either. I intend to begin searching the Archives tomorrow, to see what I can find on Nokola. His last location was in the town beyond Nature's Bridge, which has become accessible once more with the Orc disbanded. I have not sought him out since my early days in Mirkwood, finding it to be pointless with the town out of reach. Now, however, I intend to search once more. We are to meet in a few days time to discuss what we have learned, and perhaps form a plan of assault.

I was forced to call an early end to our visit, as the morning came to an end, and I had yet to get ready for the afternoon. Thankfully, however, the food had been prepared in advance and simply needed to be gathered and my clothing changed. Before that, though, I visited the Guild Hall to speak with Atalas. The Axe given to me by Galrom is to be presented in the Hall as a trophy of the war. It was to show my victory, however I have no need for a trophy in my room, and am grateful to Void for the suggestion to display it elsewhere. It will serve a better purpose in the Hall as well... It was a victory won by all the Guilds, and those who fought. The blow may have been mine, but the victory was ours.

Once that had been secured, and the weapon given over, I went to prepare. The date went well, to put it simply. It was a perfect, simple, evening. Where we ate, spoke and danced, enjoying one another's company. We were away from prying eyes, allowing us to simply be ourselves as we got to know one another. Alas, it was our only time together, as he must give the same attention to the other Maidens, yet I wish there was more time given. I am happy with him. I still feel the impulse to address him properly, but that is what tonight was about: learning who he is below the titles he is known for. And... I enjoyed the person I saw.

I believe I am beginning to have feelings for him... 

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