Entry 59 - A Birthday Party

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The Timid Maiden, The Royal Suite

I have learned today just how many people know the day of my birth. I slept later than intended today, simply enjoying the warmth of a bed, and allowing myself to miss the ones whom I love that could not be with me today. Though, as a result, I was unable to speak with Owen before he left aboard the Pegasus. As such, he left a message with Ma, to wish me a happy birthday.

After that, it seemed to spread as quickly as the wildfires I would be shown from Abigail. Billy and Sasha both learned of it from the message. Lord Dukat and Lord Blackwater both arranged for gifts of sorts through the day. Upon speaking with Mr. Demarco, a celebration was arranged for me after the play tonight... Lord Blackwater, unable to be with me in person, instead left a beautiful gown which was worn most gratefully.

My early day was spent with Scáth, training him with Ulrich. It was a more intense training this day, involving me facing an Owlbear, so that I might show Scáth that I will defend him. It seems to have worked, as he did not wish to leave my side after. I was injured, and covered in blood, both my own and the Owlbears, however none of that mattered for the safety of the cub who pressed himself against me for comfort.

The Owlbear was the same one that I faced with Billy and Upton so long ago, I was told. I am glad to see that it is well, and that once it had been felled Ulric's trainers were quick to preserve the life of the animal.

The rest of the day before the play was spent swimming with Sasha, Void and Billy.

Only one thing would have made the day better: My parents with me. It is my first birthday with them... I could have returned to Mirkwood via Lady Kraighton's portal, but it would not have left enough time to celebrate with them properly before the play... and with the farm, I do not think I could bring my parents away for the day.

I am sure mother is sad, however... I wish to make it up to her tomorrow, however. We are to go find a treasure for Lady Stonecutter tomorrow, allowing us to remain in Mirkwood a few days longer. 

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