03 - Dillon

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New cover! :)

Also, this story has a lot of dance involved with it so whenever there's a dance in a chapter, a video of choreography to the song will be put in the sidebar. It makes it fun :)

Also! I don't dance so I probably won't describe it that well but it's a major character in the story.


Off to the story!


            I sat in my room as I waited for my brother to stop yelling at Jace in the room next to mine. I

            “I can’t believe you’re doing this! She’s my little sister who just got hurt by some jerk and you have to come along now! I swear… this girl is going to hate high school because of the mess hormonal guys make!”

It’s too late for that.  

            I sighed and messed with my fingers as I waited for my brother to give me some sort of lecture on guys.

            After a few more minutes, the yelling stopped and I heard my brother’s door open. I sat up on my bed and soon my sibling appeared in front of me.

            “You probably know what I’m going to say… but I don’t know anymore.” Dillon ran a hand through his brown hair and took a seat next to me. “After hearing what Jace had to say… I really don’t know.

            My heart thumped in my chest. Did he tell him the plan? Oh please no, that would be horrible.

            “I approve. He really likes you and I haven’t seen him like this with any other girl, I hope you guys have a good time together. But Peyton, if he ever hurts you in any way…” He smiled and sliced his throat in a warning gestured. “I’m the man to call.”

            I couldn’t say anything because I’m still in shock. My brother actually likes this? What is going on with society? I think I’m going to get dizzy from all these surprises.

            “Oh, and don’t kiss in front of me. I may be cool with this idea but I don’t want to throw-up every day.” He winked at me then left the room.

             I sat on my bed with a million thoughts going through my head. What did Jace say to my brother? How will he react when Jace and I ‘break up?’ I buried my face into my pillows and sighed. What the hell did I get myself into?

            “Knock-knock,” someone said from the door. I sat up and saw a smiling Jace leaning against the doorway. “So did you hear? He’s alright with it… girlfriend.” He winked, walking over to my bed to take a seat.

            “Better not be making out up there!” I heard Dillon call. “Leave the door open!”

            I blushed and looked over at Jace who was smirking now. “I have no idea why he’s okay with this…” I muttered.     

            “It’s from what I said, I made up some BS story and he believed it.” Jace shrugged then ran a hand through his dark hair. “We should probably do the Facebook stuff now…”

            I nodded and grabbed my laptop. I gave it to Jace who went to his email and pulled up some pictures that his sister sent five minutes ago. He saved them to my desktop without looking at them then logged into his account on Facebook. He went to his account settings then changed his relationship status from single to in a relationship. He tagged me as his girlfriend then went to change his profile picture.

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