episode 3

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Author's_pov: xander waits patiently still looking sternly at her in curiosity not knowing exactly what she's talking about not until she falls on the bench and bursts into uncontrollable tears.
"whoa whoa whoa it's okay," I said hopefully
"We have been on this for the past 7years xander, it sucks but am ain't gonna do that anymore am ain't running anymore, am ti....red" she shouted, still looking pale but with determination along with lots of anger.
she started crying all over again.
With a sense of urgency, l focused on hacking into her mom's phone remotely. Knowing that time was of the essence, I navigated through layers of security protocols, utilizing my skills to access the GPS settings. The tension in the garden was palpable as my fingers danced across the keyboard. With each keystroke, I modified the GPS coordinates on her mom's phone. and trying to create a digital illusion, for it to appear like they were miles away from their actual location. for the bad guys to close in on the decoy coordinates. The danger still lingered, but my 3D wristwatch got contaminated with the virus making it malfunction, my anti-virus software might have stood down while trying to cut it off. if calibrated they can track all over again but that would be after 30 minutes and should be enough to change their location, I try giving a fake location, and alpha is still processing( beeping). it's almost done when alpha got overheated. "shutting down in 10sec,1...2...3...4...5" it's said, and still counting down

"I just hope it's done before shutting down" I muttered
location changed successfully "It's said lastly before shutting down while I sighed softly. I was about to share the good news with her but I got interrupted by her mom's call again.
Holly's_pov: I busted out in tears all over again that I couldn't hear everything around me anymore they kept sounding faint with echoes, I heard xander muttering, not long  I got a call from my mom.
"Hello Mom," I said weakly, expecting her to give me another shocking news of my life
"common girl give me a great smile,"  Dad said excitedly
"for real are you kidding"I said feeling relieved
"It's real girl, I don't know how but they missed us,"  she said firmly
"we're sorry for putting you all through this" Dad said sadly, he's pretty good at hiding his feelings, putting sadness behind his smile but his words always betray him I could sense the sincerity in his words
"Okay bye," I said sniffing and wiping the droop of tears rolling down my shin
"bye" they both chorus and hang up
"It's okay they missed them, hmm
I can't literally be sure cause Alpha got shut down so I couldn't monitor all of that but I'm positive " he said speaking so fast enough to catch his breath and staring into my eyeballs, I didn't know what to say neither do I know what to do cause I couldn't find words to say to him but he those stood there still staring at me like a log of wood with his eyes wide open. that makes me chuckled and I wasn't even aware, I couldn't show of my poker face I think he was trying to read my emotions clearly enough 
He nodded still staring at me
"Thank you " I maneged to say with my face mixed with weakness and excitement
"It's nothing but why are they after you guys?" he asked still keeping that eye contact as if looking for sincerity
"That's the saddest part of the story Xander"
I said and pause to catch my breath trying to suppress the nerves down my throat
"Sit" I said offering him and moving too the right side of the bench
"My dad keeps repeating the same thing over and over again"I said after he sat trying to hold back my tears ,I can see this conversation bulding tension
"And each time I try to ask my mom, she'll be like I'm given the same answers too"
"Which is"he cuts in looking serious expecting a real thing
" my dad not knowing why, all I know is we have never waited to ask " I concluded, I could see through his face filled with disbelieve
"And how did you get to know they were after you guys " he asked  looking concerned
"His best friend died in his arms telling him he's next , that's where he got the hint from and I believe that cause mom vouched to that, trust me I've ask all this same questions couples of time "I said with sincerity and he nodded slowly
"Lunch time is over " he said

Alexander_pov: we stood up and head back to class,the rest of the lesson was quiet between us , I'm just surprised, thought I was the only one having a fucked up childhood  I really felt for her and I've never given anyone the chance to open up to me
I kept on stealing glances at her looking at her sad face I could guess she's looking blankly at one thing or the other 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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