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okay so as always, please give a list of possible love interests for your character(s) if that's your thing! ( any other relations are appreciated, but optional

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okay so as always, please give a list of possible love interests for your character(s) if that's your thing! ( any other relations are appreciated, but optional. ) thank you so much to everyone who applied, i greatly appreciate it! please, keep in mind face claim age when choosing love interests. i don't wanna see any thirty year olds with a sixteen year old. as always, other character relations (friendships, enemies, etc.) are appreciated but not required. ( just realized i repeated myself but it's fine. )

in general, thanks everyone for applying. i have so many applyfics that i'm trying to either put out or repost, and i feel like i'm running out of time, because not only are applyfics slowly dying, but my account is losing traction too, so y'all don't know how much it means to me for one of my applyfics to do so well right now when a vast majority of them haven't been lately.

lastly, i wanted to say that some characters will be more side characters. ( typically for me, if a form has little detail then they'll be featured a little less. ) if you have more than one character, one will be a main, and the other will likely be a side. being a side isn't a bad thing, it just means that i purposefully chose a large cast for my plot, but that not every character is going to be in every chapter. i write like i'm Hamilton but i'm not Superman y'all, sometimes i be tired. that being said, this could change based on character relations. while i do consider this a story that largely focuses on Olympia and the people around her, you guys' participation has the ability to affect the story and a character's standing, so remember that both in doing relations and when commenting!

lastly, i'm sorry to anyone who didn't get in or isn't featured as much. i wanted to focus on characters that had a lot of detail. i have a lot of ideas for this fic, chapters will start tomorrow!

{⚡️}—OLYMPIA MORIAH WALSH !{ DAUGHTER OF ZEUS ! }( portrayed by Ariana Greenblatt )

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( portrayed by Ariana Greenblatt )

{⚡️}—OLYMPIA MORIAH WALSH !{ DAUGHTER OF ZEUS ! }( portrayed by Ariana Greenblatt )

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