Chapter 13. Cave Life.

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Chapter 13.

Cave Life.

Caderyn and Lynwood flew back into the cave, where Sofia was waiting for them.

"Did it work?" She asked curiously.

"I think it did," Lynwood replied, climbing down from the dragon. He patted Caderyn's nose and walked up to his sister. "There was a bit of trouble at one point. I met up with the niece of King Farran, but she saw Caderyn and freaked out. I had to calm her down and that took longer than expected. In the end she promised not to talk about me and said she'll take the letter to her brother, though at the cost of Caderyn giving her a ride in two weeks, but at least she'll keep her tongue behind her teeth, so I guess all's well that ends well. Were you really worried about me?"

"Not really," Sofia laughed, "I did get a little frightened when Caderyn returned without you, but he was so calm I figured you were safe. When he departed again in the evening, I knew he had gone to get you. I'm glad you made it home safely."

She put her arms around her brother. Lynwood returned the hug, albeit a little awkwardly. He wasn't really big on showing affection in the form of hugs and kisses. His overly affectionate sister sometimes irked him a bit and had often been yet another cause for arguments between them. Today, however, Lynwood was happy to see his sister and figured he would let her show her love. It was nice to know at least someone loved him.

At last Sofia let go of Lynwood and dragged him to the fireplace, where a small fire was slowly dying out.

"Okay," she stated, plopping down on the ground. "So we got the letter to the nephew of the king, now what?"

"I'm not exactly sure," Lynwood confessed, taking a seat next to her. "Perhaps it's safe enough to try and contact Elaine again. Maybe she has some information about father."

"You think the soldiers are gone from her house by now?"

She had a point. It had only been a day since he had gone down to the village, and it was very unlikely that things had gotten better. How was he to know when it would be safe to contact her?

"We should probably wait a couple of days," he said at last.

Sofia gave a loud sigh. "I am so sick and tired of this cave. You at least get to go out and see things, you even met a princess, while all I can do is sit around here and read and reread your boring book. It is a pity you only have two and a half." Sofia glanced over at Caderyn, who had settled down opposite the children. "If only he was the kind of dragon that breathed fire," she stated, "then you wouldn't have to tear up your book. You keep tearing out from the middle. I know what happens in the beginning and the end, but I'll bet all the fun stuff is the part you burned.

Lynwood laughed and let out a yawn. "I've had such a boring day, hung around the palace garden doing absolutely nothing. Course things did pick up when Collyn started screaming."

"You really must tell me how everything went," Sofia pleaded. "I'm not very sleepy right now anyway, and I don't think you are either."

"Alright," Lynwood agreed. "Though if we are going to be living in this cave for a few days we are going to have to figure out some sort of schedule. It isn't right to be sleeping the whole day and then staying up at night."

"And we should set up the cave a little better, and figure out our food," Sofia added.

"How about tomorrow we try to see what we can do," Lynwood suggested. "Right now I'm not in the mood to try and figure out domestic problems."

Sofia nodded and settled down more comfortably to listen to the tale of his trip to the capital.


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