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Oh no,how do we handle this complications, Mrs maya is dieing along with her baby girl ,I think we should call doctor Elias she would know what to do said nurse labrian,I think that's what we should do said nurse Clara. Please, you guys should help me I think I will kick the bucket said mrs Maya .Please don't say that said nurse Clara, please nurse labrian go and call doctor Elias. Okay, said nurse labrian
Knock knock, come in,said doctor Elias, doctor Elias was shocked the way nurse labrian rushed into her office and she knew nurse labrian to be  calm,so she knew something was wrong, nurse labrian why did you barge into my office like that asked doctor Elias with a serious look on her face, that's when nurse labrian  knew that the Way she barged into doctor Elias office wasn't okay so she apologized quickly then started to say what she came for.
Doctor there is a woman in the labour room and she is having complications in the labour room  I and nurse clara don't know what to do , oh my goodness what happened asked doctor Elias, it's complicated I don't know why she is having complications in the labour room, before we went into the labour room we ran a test and everything was okay then things  became difficult explained nurse labrian.oh my goodness, let's rush there now  shouted doctor Elias,nurse labrian and doctor Elias ran to Mrs Maya's labour room.
     Doctor Elias entered mrs Maya's room and she was shocked at the level that her complication had reached, to the extent that even the womb was twisted and surprised because no patient had that kind of complication and it was really bad even to the level that she would soon become History. Doctor Elias was confused and didn't even know where to start from, before she was calmed by nurse labrian,so doctor Elias decided that an operation would be carried out, but in doctor Elias heart she knew that she could not save the life of the poor ,lifeless mrs Maya but she could just try. All she was sure of was that she could only save the life of the baby girl that she was carrying in her womb.

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