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Chaotic drama club

Swag squirrel
I came here to inform u that I'm the best
Like the song
And the edits
I look good in those anyhow

Baked bean
Nah I'm better

Art maker
We all know I'm the main character of the story

GG dancer
I can debut in both boy and girl groups so therefore I'm the best

Izumi's proud bf
I'm the leader
Which means I'm above all of you
And I say that I'm the best

Hunny bunny bear
Ur not the leader over me
Which makes me an individual independent man
I can say I'm the best with all the confidence in the world

Bang Izumi
We are surrounded by narcissists
Hide before they get to u

Puppy Skye
This is to all the ppl who said they're the best
Get some sleep and go to therapy
Being a narcissist isn't good or the solution

Swag squirrel
But delulu is the solulu
And my delulu self tells me I'm the best
Try and beat that mothafocka

Bread is toasted
It surprises me Minho hyung didn't say anything

Kitten lover
I figured I don't have to say anything
We all know that I'm a god
Dancing god to the rescue

Bang Izumi
And here I thought that u had a serious character development
Turns out I was all wrong

Swag chick
You are all weird

Swag squirrel
Ey where is ma bestie?
Aecha say something

Baked bean
She dead
Let's bet on it

Bang Izumi
Who was the last one seeing her?

Hunny bunny bear
I think I did
Only if Minho didn't come over in the meantime

Swag squirrel
I'm coming over over over
Call me rrrOveR

Kitten lover
It was my time to record the song so no
Is something going on we don't know about?

Swag chick
Look at him being all protective and concerned

Kitten lover
I just wanna know why she isn't online
Knowing her she always carries her phone everywhere

I came here to inform you folks that I officially gave up on life and to take myself and life seriously
Like everything I do and am is a whole ass joke to society

Kitten lover
Hey why throwing yourself off a cliff when u have me, the legendary Lee Minho, as your boyfriend?
I shall be in denial if you really think that doesn't make your life as sweet as a candy land

Puppy Skye
More like a little extra savage, swag, and sass to your life than sweetness
Ur a menace remember

Kitten lover
Okay I take that
I'm a menace to society

Swag squirrel

I'm laying in my bed, doing nothing but coughing, sneezing, and watching tv
Me so SSICK eyy

Hunny bunny bear
I think she feels a little better now

Not rlly
And why did u just leave me here alone in the house while u knew I'm sick??
Like what kind of friend are you?

Hunny bunny bear
I had to work for your information
And I bought u a lot of snacks and food so when I have my lunch break I'm coming to u to unload


Hunny bunny bear
Yea yea just rest now kay?

Eye eye 🫡🏃‍♀️💨

Kitten lover
I'll come over when I'm done

No don't
I'll make u SSICK as well

Bread is toasted
He's already SSICK
SSICK from his love to you

Kitten lover
I'll be there in 30 min
Have to finish recording and I'll be on my way

Art maker
Can I come with???

Izumi's proud bf
U have to come recording after him

Art maker
I haven't seen Aecha in TOO long and I wanna come with

Baked bean
I'd say protest
Start a protest against JYP entertainment

GG dancer
Count me in!
I'm already protesting
I already have the design of the board
When are we going?

Bang Izumi
Why did u actually join JYP entertainment while u despise it so much?
I mean, it was your decision not to go to HYBE for example

Baked bean

Swag squirrel
Need some ice for that burn Changbean?

Baked bean
Ey my bean mate

Swag squirrel changed GG dancer to Changbean

Swag squirrel
Now it's official
I declare you as bean besties

Baked bean
I feel blessed

Me not so much

Baked bean
I am: betrayed
I am: crying

Join me
My left eye is crying all the water out my body
Which is a lot since we are 70% water so just imagine
My tearful eye is killing me even more than my sickness is doing

Bang Izumi
Screw le sserafim and their choreo
I'm coming over

Bread is toasted
Let's all hang out!

Didn't u all read I'm sick?

Bread is toasted
Pff yolo
Chan, postpone the recording
We have some hanging out to do

Art maker
This is good
That dude has a soft spot for him
Felix, beg him too

Swag chick
Chan hyung, can we please hang with the 12 of us?☺️

Izumi's proud bf
We do need to record
We have an album to make

Bang Izumi

Swag squirrel
OoOooOhhHhhh now it's getting jUiCeY

Izumi's proud bf
Okay then
But it's not my fault when JYP gets mad at us for not working on our album

Swag chick

Bang Izumi
Thank youuu
Love ya💋

Art maker
Ew affection

Now get your ass here
I'm bored


My chapters keep on getting longer without trying.

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